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What is the Digital Marketing funnel and how to create one

What is the Digital Marketing funnel and how to create one

As much as Digital Marketing offers countless benefits to companies when it comes to impacting the consumer, it is essential to stay informed about the main concepts and strategies that are part of these communication actions in the online media.  After

The Inbound Marketing Funnel: How It Works

The Inbound Marketing Funnel: How It Works

The sales funnel has had so many iterations that it’s hard to keep track. My focus here is to go beyond the regular old funnel and explain the inbound marketing version. Let’s walk through the components of the modern marketing flow and then take you

The Evolution of AI Emotion and Sentiment Analysis

The Evolution of AI Emotion and Sentiment Analysis

Artificial intelligence emotion and sentiment analysis has come a long way over the years and is on track to revolutionize the... Artificial intelligence emotion and sentiment analysis has come a long way over the years and is on track to revolutionize the

10 Reasons You Need A Long-Term Content Strategy

10 Reasons You Need A Long-Term Content Strategy

It’s no secret that content is time-consuming. However, some marketers are so focused on whittling down that time, on cutting corners just to “get something out,” that they ultimately end up losing out. What do they lose? The power inherent in

Entity Analytics: How to Measure Your SEO Entity Performance

Entity Analytics: How to Measure Your SEO Entity Performance

Modern search engines and retrieval systems have shifted from keyword-based search to entity-based search. Therefore, as a result many information needs today involve searching for entities and understanding the relationships between them in order to obtain

Does Your Content Reflect Your Company Culture?

Does Your Content Reflect Your Company Culture?

Do your content and company culture align? No matter what your company’s story and mission, your content should reflect those values. American corporations are a rich tapestry of the cultures that formed them. Whether yours is a flag-waving, “made in the

How To Produce Thought Leadership Content

How To Produce Thought Leadership Content

Are you on a quest to find a clear and actionable Thought Leadership content guide? After reading so many blogs, your head is just unable to make any concrete definition of it? I’m no psychic, but I’ve been there too. Actually, this was a challenge for

How to Generate More Leads Through Your Online Marketing Campaigns

How to Generate More Leads Through Your Online Marketing Campaigns

I hope you enjoy reading this blog post. If you want my team to just do your marketing for you, click here. Are you happy with the number of leads your marketing campaigns are generating? Or, do you wish they were a bit more effective? If you’re serious

Does your email copy persuade or sell?

Does your email copy persuade or sell?

What’s the one thing you would do to make more money from your email program? Your first thought might be to add an automation platform, invest in new email designs, maybe even switch ESPs. But all of those cost time and money, and they don’t necessarily