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Why Tech Brands Should Worry About Storytelling | HackerNoon

Why Tech Brands Should Worry About Storytelling | HackerNoon

In retrospect, the narrative and overly expressive nature of storytelling may not blend with the scientific and mostly straightforward nature of technology. Many may even wonder why they are in the same sentence. However, research has proven that consumers

Designing Ethical AI — Practices & Processes

Designing Ethical AI — Practices & Processes

We recently had an interesting conversation with the Senior Designer on IBM’s Design for AI team, Milena Pribic. We did a deep dive into different topics revolving around ethical AI and design practices and processes. She also shared inspiring details

What Does a B2B Marketing Team Look Like in the Metaverse?

What Does a B2B Marketing Team Look Like in the Metaverse?

As an entrepreneur, I often think about how advancements in technology will influence ways companies operate and serve customers. By now, almost every business founder is thinking about or discussing the metaverse. It's come up in conversation among

The Truth About AI in Cloud Security

The Truth About AI in Cloud Security

SwissCognitive Guest Blogger: Zachary Amos – “How to Improve Customer Perception of AI Chatbots” For many businesses, getting ahead of the competition requires innovation and digital transformation. Yet many have shifted their focus towards security

Open-source language AI challenges big tech’s models

Open-source language AI challenges big tech’s models

An international team of around 1,000 largely academic volunteers has tried to break big tech’s stranglehold on natural-language processing and reduce its harms. Trained with US$7-million-worth of publicly funded computing time, the BLOOM language model

Tips For Leveraging The Power Of Voice Search Optimization

Tips For Leveraging The Power Of Voice Search Optimization

Imagine two businesses competing for the same customers. They are identical except for one thing: Store A has a location that’s easier for 7 out of 10 customers to access. Which company will do more business? You don’t need an MBA to figure this out

How Brands Can Transform Their Measurement Framework to Drive Organizational Change - Advertising Week

How Brands Can Transform Their Measurement Framework to Drive Organizational Change - Advertising Week

By Shirli Zelcer, Head of Analytics and Data at Merkle Many brands are in the process of reevaluating their marketing measurement. Significant changes to privacy legislation and data availability have impacted technical measurement capabilities and in turn,

Lead Scoring: Definition and How to Calculate a Lead Score

Lead Scoring: Definition and How to Calculate a Lead Score

Generating a high volume of leads is one thing while identifying which prospects are most likely to convert into customers is another. To put it differently, it’s all about quality over quantity.  That’s where lead scoring comes in. Let’s take a look

How to Pitch Your Content to Editors: 5 Elements of an Effective Email

How to Pitch Your Content to Editors: 5 Elements of an Effective Email

Picture this: You’re an editor at a well-known and well-respected publication — let’s say Fast Company. You open your laptop to start your day, take a deep breath, and navigate to your inbox. You see hundreds of emails staring back at you from people