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What Comes After the Turing Test?

What Comes After the Turing Test?

Over the weekend, the news broke that a “supercomputer” program called “Eugene Goostman”—an impersonation of a wisecracking, thirteen-year-old Ukranian boy—had become the first machine to pass the Turing Test. Kevin Warwick, a professor of

What Comes After the Turing Test?

What Comes After the Turing Test?

Over the weekend, the news broke that a “supercomputer” program called “Eugene Goostman”—an impersonation of a wisecracking, thirteen-year-old Ukranian boy—had become the first machine to pass the Turing Test. Kevin Warwick, a professor of

Where is 'I' in 'AI' anymore? 

Where is 'I' in 'AI' anymore? 

Last month, a group of Cosmopolitan editors, alongside digital artist Karen X. Cheng and members of artificial intelligence research lab OpenAI, created the first-ever magazine cover designed by artificial intelligence. This is the first-ever magazine cover

AI in Medical Devices Introduction

AI in Medical Devices Introduction

SwissCognitive, World-Leading AI Network SwissCognitive, World-Leading AI Network, devoted to unleashing the business potentials of AI and turning it into a key global economy booster. Menu This article is part of the series covering the topic of AI and

What Is Edge AI Computing? | TELUS International

What Is Edge AI Computing? | TELUS International

Edge AI starts with edge computing. Also called edge processing, edge computing is a network technology that positions servers locally near devices. This helps to reduce system processing load and resolve data transmission delays. These processes are

DeepMind AI learns physics by watching videos that don't make sense

DeepMind AI learns physics by watching videos that don't make sense

Search DeepMind AI learns physics by watching videos that don't make sense An algorithm created by AI firm DeepMind can distinguish between videos in which objects obey the laws of physics and ones where they don't Technology 11 July 2022 Watching videos of

An AI solution to climate models’ gravity wave problem

An AI solution to climate models’ gravity wave problem

Stanford Earth Matters magazine For many regions, it’s unclear how the frequency of storms and dry spells, intensity of downpours, or amount of snowfall will change as the planet warms. More realistic estimates of atmospheric gravity waves could help.

Quantum Computing for Dummies

Quantum Computing for Dummies

Quantum Computing for Dummies Search: Explore by topic FOR THE TECHNOLOGY INSIDER Topics Follow IEEE Spectrum Support IEEE Spectrum IEEE Spectrum is the flagship publication of the IEEE — the world’s largest professional organization devoted to

Artificial intelligence in structural biology is here to stay

Artificial intelligence in structural biology is here to stay

“I didn’t think we would get to this point in my lifetime.” That’s how one research leader in structural biology responded to last week’s publication of research in which artificial intelligence (AI) was used to predict the structure of more than