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How Are Email Marketers Planning To Innovate In 2017?

How Are Email Marketers Planning To Innovate In 2017?

What’s on the minds of email marketers in 2017? Several organizations have released studies recently on various aspects of email marketing whose results underscored a long-running challenge for email marketers (and marketers in general): a lack of time and

8 Resources for Email Marketing Icons

8 Resources for Email Marketing Icons

Visual content is becoming increasingly more important. Having an image or icon to support your message is key to getting and retaining a reader’s attention. The problem is, coming up with new imagery for every email marketing campaign is tough. Unless you

7 Tips for Making Your Email Marketing Mobile-Friendly

7 Tips for Making Your Email Marketing Mobile-Friendly

With 68% of email campaigns being opened on a mobile device, email with a mobile-friendly design is no longer a nice to have, it’s a must have. In this post, we’ll break down seven essential tips to creating mobile-friendly email campaigns. As

How Often Should You Send Marketing Emails?

How Often Should You Send Marketing Emails?

How Often Should You Send Marketing Emails? There's no magic number. Find your sweet spot. Image credit: kieferpix | Getty Images ---Shares May 17, 2017 Timing is of huge importance when it comes to email marketing. With click-through rates

4 Reasons to Consider a Domain Name Change for Your Startup

4 Reasons to Consider a Domain Name Change for Your Startup

4 Reasons to Consider a Domain Name Change for Your Startup New top-level domains are going to be the digital real estate of the future. How Former NFL Star Terrell Owens Started His Fashion Company ---Shares I remember back in 1994 when a friend asked if I'd

The Marketing Impact of AI and Machine-Learning: 3 Predictions by 51 ML Marketing Executives

The Marketing Impact of AI and Machine-Learning: 3 Predictions by 51 ML Marketing Executives

In the last two years, the number of machine-learning (ML) startups has skyrocketed, and companies (in truth or in hype) increasingly predicate their value proposition on artificial intelligence (AI). Although ML and AI in healthcare and finance have

How to Create an SEO Friendly HomePage

How to Create an SEO Friendly HomePage

You’ve probably been optimizing homepages as long as you’ve been doing keyword research. It’s one of the basics of SEO. Use keywords. Write copy. All good. Pretty simple. There’s been quite a bit of debate as to what constitutes effective homepage

E-commerce companies can improve revenue by following these 5 tips

E-commerce companies can improve revenue by following these 5 tips

E-commerce websites can seem overwhelming to manage, but effective information architecture, SEO and content marketing strategies can make a huge difference. Nothing about the advice I offer below is complicated, difficult or expensive. After learning

The Facebook Ad Types: How to Choose the Best Ad Type for Your Goals

The Facebook Ad Types: How to Choose the Best Ad Type for Your Goals

Did you know that people in the U.S. spend 20% of their mobile time on Facebook or Instagram? And there are over 1.8 billion people using Facebook every month? With so many active users, Facebook Ads are a no-brainer for any marketer looking to reach new