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Fundamental growth hacking for new ‘solopreneurs'

Fundamental growth hacking for new ‘solopreneurs'

Successful digital marketing and website optimization = more business. Yes, it’s a fact and that’s great… But what about hacking your way to growth as a new entrepreneur working alone i.e. a ‘solopreneur’? The phenomenon has arrived and it’s

4 Marketing Mistakes That Are Keeping Your Business Down

4 Marketing Mistakes That Are Keeping Your Business Down

The hardest part of running a business is getting your target customers to know that you exist. It does not matter how good your product or service is. As long as you are not visible to your potential customers, they might never get a chance to try your

A digital marketing CEO’s prescription to cure advertising fraud

A digital marketing CEO’s prescription to cure advertising fraud

Challenges around viewability, media metrics and transparency in the advertising inventory supply chain have festered for more than a decade, and they’ve recently hit a fever pitch. We see marketers increasingly demanding accountability for their digital

5 Things That Have Always Worked For Digital Marketers, Until Now

5 Things That Have Always Worked For Digital Marketers, Until Now

5 Things That Have Always Worked For Digital Marketers, Until Now Batch and blast email campaigns? Forget it. ---Shares March 20, 2017 The old Southern adage, “If you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes,” could certainly apply to the task of

Interview with Ann Handley | FreshGigs

Interview with Ann Handley | FreshGigs

Ann Handley was recognized by Forbes as the most influential woman in Social Media and listed by ForbesWomen as one of the top 20 women bloggers. The world’s first Chief Content Officer, Ann is the author of the Wall Street Journal best-selling book,

Sorry, a Robot Is Not About to Replace Your Lawyer

Sorry, a Robot Is Not About to Replace Your Lawyer

Impressive advances in artificial intelligence technology tailored for legal work have led some lawyers to worry that their profession may be Silicon Valley’s next victim. But recent research and even the people working on the software meant to automate

What Is It Like to Be a Robot? – Rodney Brooks

What Is It Like to Be a Robot? – Rodney Brooks

This is the first post in an intended series on what is the current state of Artificial Intelligence capabilities, and what we can expect in the relative short term. I will be at odds with the more outlandish claims that are circulating in the press, and

Setting Objectives in Marketing - iContact

Setting Objectives in Marketing - iContact

I’ve been told by countless marketers that their campaigns don’t work. When I ask them how they’ve come to this conclusion, more often than not, they tell me that their sales haven’t increased. This is perhaps one of the biggest mistakes that

Five Simple Ways to Start Growing Your Email List Today

Five Simple Ways to Start Growing Your Email List Today

Just about everyone on the planet depends on email. Roughly 92% of adults who are online use email, and when it comes to customer acquisition, it's close to 40% more effective than social media. So why not use this nearly ubiquitous platform to attract and