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The author's views are entirely his or her own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz. It’s an old marketing cliche that people buy from people,

Reframing Influence: Introducing the B2B Creators Influence Framework

Reframing Influence: Introducing the B2B Creators Influence Framework

Not all B2B influencers are created equal, and it’s more complex than B2C. Over the years, I have become a B2B influencer marketing apologist. It sounds silly, I know. But I don’t think it gets the credit or attention it deserves. It’s a booming

Meta Ads Automation: An Advertiser's Guide

Meta Ads Automation: An Advertiser's Guide

Automation: It’s all the rage for established digital advertising platforms these days. Take Google’s recent introduction and expansion of Performance Max, which simplifies campaign setup and management based on an advertiser’s goals, so instead of

An advertising recession may be here - and the TV industry is making brands' lives harder

An advertising recession may be here - and the TV industry is making brands' lives harder

Here’s a question I asked onTwitter Spaces yesterday-What is going on in the ad industry right now? Are we in an Apple recession, or a real one? The ad tech crowd is convinced that the string of bad earnings reports that are coming out of big tech are

How Programmatic DOOH and Google Topics Will Power the Next Phase of Advertising - Advertising Week

How Programmatic DOOH and Google Topics Will Power the Next Phase of Advertising - Advertising Week

Google’s announcement of its Topics API earlier this year reaffirmed to marketers worldwide that the tech giant is still preparing for a world without third-party cookies. While the date of the cookie’s demise may have been postponed, ultimately its

Agency-client communication sucks. Here’s how to change it

Agency-client communication sucks. Here’s how to change it

The most pressing communication problem in advertising isn’t the distracted, fragmented audiences we’re chasing. It’s the increasingly fractured, even adversarial, communication between agencies and clients, which limits creativity, impact and profit by

Rebuilding A Broken Brand Through Smart Marketing & Advertising

Rebuilding A Broken Brand Through Smart Marketing & Advertising

We talk a lot about the power of marketing and advertising to drive growth for brands. It is the table stakes talk at ad conferences, and frequently goes something like this: “Our brand had gotten a bit tired, a new marketing team came in, hired a new

Meta is building a decentralized, text-based social network

Meta is building a decentralized, text-based social network

Today’s edition is a bit late as I wrangled some late-breaking news. Sorry about that! Twitter’s decline is paving the way for other platforms to build next-generation replacements. And now the biggest player in the game is getting involved: Meta is in

What happens when a creative goes undercover as a businessperson

What happens when a creative goes undercover as a businessperson

One year ago, I took on the role of North America president and chief creative officer at Ogilvy Advertising.  I wanted to see if the person most connected to the product could also drive the business forward. I didn’t truly understand the opportunity