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The 11 Best SEO Books You Should Read

The 11 Best SEO Books You Should Read

There have been many guides about SEO books that you should read. Mostly, they are usually all about SEO, one right after the other. I wanted to do something different with this post and provide some different educational material that spans all of the

3 Ways Creative, PR, and Digital Agencies Should Use Social Media to Build Your Business | Media Volery LLC | Brand Strategy & Marketing Consulting

3 Ways Creative, PR, and Digital Agencies Should Use Social Media to Build Your Business | Media Volery LLC | Brand Strategy & Marketing Consulting

I was at a party for the fall faculty of the Columbia University strategic communication program, and it was fun because not only am I teaching there this fall, but I am also a graduate of the masters program. As a graduate myself, the executive director of

How to Use Content & Social Selling to Make More Sales

How to Use Content & Social Selling to Make More Sales

The ultimate goal of all marketing is to generate sales. Yes, you want brand awareness and traffic and leads. But those things don’t matter without sales. We know content marketing can help you increase revenue. But have you thought about leveraging your

Artificial intelligence helps scientists map behavior in the fruit fly brain

Artificial intelligence helps scientists map behavior in the fruit fly brain

Can you imagine watching 20,000 videos, 16 minutes apiece, of fruit flies walking, grooming, and chasing mates? Fortunately, you don’t have to, because scientists have designed a computer program that can do it faster. Aided by artificial intelligence,

How to Keep Your Email Marketing Strategy Relevant to Millennials

How to Keep Your Email Marketing Strategy Relevant to Millennials

At a time when businesses are reaching their consumers through more channels than ever before, it can be easy to assume your average Millennial is more likely to engage with an Instagram post or a Facebook ad than the humble email. However, email marketing,

What Are Examples Of Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

What Are Examples Of Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

By now most people recognise—even if they aren't entirely comfortable with the idea—that artificial intelligence is part of our everyday existence. In a Pew Research report, 72% of Americans expressed concernabout machines carrying out tasks humans can

Artificial intelligence (AI) in banking: The double-edged sword

Artificial intelligence (AI) in banking: The double-edged sword

Artificial intelligence (AI) is proving to be a double-edged sword for the banking industry. Sifting through the chatter in the financial industry there are two main themes emerging. Firstly, the ‘BigTech’ with their prowess in data, artificial

Don’t Sleep on Podcasts in Your B2B Content Marketing Strategy - Jumpfactor

Don’t Sleep on Podcasts in Your B2B Content Marketing Strategy - Jumpfactor

Everybody’s got a podcast — or thinking about making one — and B2B marketers are no exception. Podcasting has never been more accessible, and it acts as one of the most intimate and authentic forms of content you can create. So, how does it fit in

5 Myths About Online Marketing That Need To Be Busted

5 Myths About Online Marketing That Need To Be Busted

I had this opportunity to meet with a new client, and their main goal was they wanted to increase their social media presence. I got to meet with them face-to-face, along with their social media team. I started talking about their website and their email