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Email Marketing: Don't Forget Boomers and Seniors - iContact

Email Marketing: Don't Forget Boomers and Seniors - iContact

For marketers, tapping into the tech-savvy, millennial market is akin to unearthing a goldmine. It often seems as if this demographic represents the Marketing Holy Grail for advertisers eager to decode, reach, and engage the younger crowd. Of course that is

Engaging email marketing must be relevant [#EMD17]

Engaging email marketing must be relevant [#EMD17]

Email Marketing Day, the email conference held by FreshMail, Holistic Email Marketing and Return Path kicked off in London, UK. Taking place June 14 – Email Marketing Day (#EMD17) brought together digital experts and business leaders to discuss topics of

95% of online shoppers say a positive return experience drives loyalty [Report]

95% of online shoppers say a positive return experience drives loyalty [Report]

The key to getting repeat e-commerce customers might be a friendly policy and process for accepting returned items. According to a recent survey conducted by the e-commerce management platform Narvar, 95 percent of online shoppers polled said they would shop

Healthcare Inbound Marketing Solutions | Mod Girl Marketing

Healthcare Inbound Marketing Solutions | Mod Girl Marketing

Mental Health Providers Urgent Care Clinics Good reviews led me to Mod Girl Marketing. Mandy and her team developed a digital marketing strategy that fit my budget and implemented a plan to help immediately boost my online presence. I’m finally able to

Have you seen the SEM dedicated track for SMX Advanced 2017?

Have you seen the SEM dedicated track for SMX Advanced 2017?

Jerry Dischler Vice President, Product Management, AdWords, Google, @jdischler Jerry Dischler is Vice President of Product Management for AdWords. In this role, Jerry leads the product management and innovation efforts for search ads. Previously, Jerry served

5 Ways Analytics Helps You Win (and Retain) Customers

5 Ways Analytics Helps You Win (and Retain) Customers

Peter Drucker once said: “The purpose of a business is to create a customer.”   In today’s world, successful businesses not only create customers, they find ways to keep and grow them.  Businesses are increasingly turning to tools such as predictive

4 ways brands are losing store traffic -- and how to use location marketing strategies to reverse course

4 ways brands are losing store traffic -- and how to use location marketing strategies to reverse course

Many brands continue to be challenged by location-based search despite its importance to customer engagement and store visits. Consider these numbers to understand why brands need to make location a priority: Yet it is common for major brand stores to not

Be a mad scientist to be more successful in local SEO

Be a mad scientist to be more successful in local SEO

With my recaps of the Local SEO sessions at SMX West last month, we had a bit of a break from Greg’s Soapbox. Never fear, it’s back in full force this month! I’ve been lucky enough to have the opportunity to attend several large conferences over the

Fundamental growth hacking for new ‘solopreneurs'

Fundamental growth hacking for new ‘solopreneurs'

Successful digital marketing and website optimization = more business. Yes, it’s a fact and that’s great… But what about hacking your way to growth as a new entrepreneur working alone i.e. a ‘solopreneur’? The phenomenon has arrived and it’s