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7 Factors That Could Make a Lower Salary a Better Deal

7 Factors That Could Make a Lower Salary a Better Deal

7 Factors That Could Make a Lower Salary a Better Deal Fixating on the largest possible paycheck can blind us to other important considerations. Image credit: gregory_lee | Getty Images ---Shares May 19, 2017 Money is often on our minds  --

'It Will Never Work,' They Said -- But It Did

'It Will Never Work,' They Said -- But It Did

Masters of Scale 'It Will Never Work,' They Said -- But It Did Naysayers shouldn't stop you from forging ahead, especially if you have the the willpower as well as the research to prove them wrong. Image credit: Thomas Barwick | Getty

Patent 1 of 2: How Google learns to influence and control users

Patent 1 of 2: How Google learns to influence and control users

Sign up for our daily recaps of the ever-changing search marketing landscape. Patent 1 of 2: How Google learns to influence and control users Columnist Dave Davies does a deep dive into a recently granted Google patent that describes how your data and context

Is Google really keeping fake listings off Google Maps?

Is Google really keeping fake listings off Google Maps?

Google announced last week that they had recently conducted a study to research the actors behind fake listings on Google Maps. The study points out that “geographic proximity is the coin of the emerging localized-search realm,” which matches what I

Link building: Preliminary research and analysis

Link building: Preliminary research and analysis

Sign up for our daily recaps of the ever-changing search marketing landscape. Research is critical to securing the links your site needs. Research is necessary to work intelligently and strategically. A few months back, I published a post here on Search

Strategies for capturing 'made in the USA' searches

Strategies for capturing 'made in the USA' searches

In a 2013 survey of 1,000 Americans, conducted by market research firm YouGov, 47 percent of respondents indicated they would most likely purchase an item if it had “made in the USA” branding on it. And in 2015, Consumer Reports found that eight out of

The Hot Mess Dumpster Fire That Is Corporate Content

The Hot Mess Dumpster Fire That Is Corporate Content

How many brands are creating content that you just can’t wait for? Go ahead. Make a list. I’ll wait. You’re done, aren’t you?. Are there any brands on your list? Stop for just a second and think about that. We’ve been looking at this content

How to set up a Social Media Command Center - Schaefer Marketing Solutions: We Help Businesses {grow}

How to set up a Social Media Command Center - Schaefer Marketing Solutions: We Help Businesses {grow}

Many organizations have established a social media command center as a means to amplify and speed up their marketing and engagement with customers. Creating a command center involves establishing policies and procedures for various types of interactions,

HGS Identifies Top 10 CX Trends In Customer Support for 2017

HGS Identifies Top 10 CX Trends In Customer Support for 2017

CHICAGO, March 1, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- In 2016, the customer management services industry saw the rapid growth of game-changing technologies fuelling digital transformation across businesses. In 2017, creating effortless customer engagement and