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Why Most Digital Marketing Advice You Get Won’t Work for Your B2B Business

Why Most Digital Marketing Advice You Get Won’t Work for Your B2B Business

Digital marketing is considered the bloodline for most of the modern day organisations that have a high dependency on information technology. The main reason for the popularity of digital marketing is the perception that it delivers a high Return on

How Is Mastering Autonomous Driving with Deep Learning

How Is Mastering Autonomous Driving with Deep Learning

Among all of the self-driving startups working towards Level 4 autonomy (a self-driving system that doesn’t require human intervention in most scenarios), Mountain View, Calif.-based’s scalable deep learning approach and aggressive pace make it

Preparing for our posthuman future of artificial intelligence

Preparing for our posthuman future of artificial intelligence

What will happen as we enter the era of human augmentation, artificial intelligence and government-by-algorithm? James Barrat, author of Our Final Invention, said: “Coexisting safely and ethically with intelligent machines is the central challenge of the

7 Ways Chatbots Can Benefit Your Marketing Strategy

7 Ways Chatbots Can Benefit Your Marketing Strategy

7 Ways Chatbots Can Benefit Your Marketing Strategy Are you maintaining a presence on a messenger app via a chatbot yet? If not, why not? Image credit: Shutterstock ---Shares March 10, 2017 Chatbots, computer programs that mimic conversation

At MWC, Machine Learning and AI Suddenly Get the Spotlight

At MWC, Machine Learning and AI Suddenly Get the Spotlight

They’re old ideas, but machine learning and AI are now the communications industry’s hot buzzwords, judging from last week’s Mobile World Congress. “For mobile operators around the world, this is no longer an experiment,” said Patrick Ostiguy, CEO

5 email campaigns to help you convert leads into customers

5 email campaigns to help you convert leads into customers

Does your business have salespeople whose job it is to convert new leads into customers? If so, it’s an unfortunate fact of life that over 50% of leads generated by businesses are qualified but not yet ready to buy. So what are you supposed to do with

How to use email to enhance your marketing events

How to use email to enhance your marketing events

While there’s the glamorous “champagne and canapes” side of organizing events, everyone who has planned a gathering of any size knows that the majority of the work is exactly that – work. With a million moving parts to coordinate, it’s easy to

7 Reasons To Outsource Your Email Marketing - Email service provider selection

7 Reasons To Outsource Your Email Marketing - Email service provider selection

Email marketers want to maximize the value of their email campaigns, but many marketers lack the budget, resources or expertise to create campaigns that achieve the results they desire. But instead of turning to those with more experience, they grind away at

Deliverability: it doesn’t have to be the Pandora’s Box of email marketing - The Email Marketing Blog

Deliverability: it doesn’t have to be the Pandora’s Box of email marketing - The Email Marketing Blog

Email marketers should not be scared of Deliverability – it’s an essential part of email marketing that needs to be understood in order to drive best-of-breed sending practices. Deliverability is quite literally the ability for your email campaign to