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Now Live for Your SEO Learning Pleasure: The NEW Beginner's Guide to SEO!

Now Live for Your SEO Learning Pleasure: The NEW Beginner's Guide to SEO!

It feels like it's been a king's age since we first began our long journey to rewrite and revamp the Beginner's Guide to SEO. For all the long months of writing and rewriting, of agonizing over details and deleting/replacing sections every so often

9 Essential B2B Marketing Trends That Will Pick Up Steam In 2018

9 Essential B2B Marketing Trends That Will Pick Up Steam In 2018

Welp, it’s that time of year again. 2017 has flown by, and just like clockwork, B2B companies are planning for next year’s marketing strategy again. This is when marketing teams have their “what worked and what didn’t work” discussions, which makes

How to Avoid the 5 Most Common Email Marketing Mistakes

How to Avoid the 5 Most Common Email Marketing Mistakes

Remember “Things That Make You Go Hmmm?” The catchy tune has nothing to do with email marketing. Nevertheless, please consider it the theme song for this post, which looks at five practices that email marketers should think twice about (an audible

Learn how to use web fonts in your email marketing

Learn how to use web fonts in your email marketing

Wrap up Introduction If you could travel back in time to the wild west days of the early internet you would find a web filled with ho-hum fonts that made designers and marketers cringe. That’s because marketers were forced to use the handful of fonts that

How the Google Venice Update Changed Local Search

How the Google Venice Update Changed Local Search

Google published a post on the Inside Search Blog back in February 2012 citing 40 key changes they had made to their search algorithms during the last month. Among these 40 updates were projects codenamed Nesehorn (affected flight queries), rich snippets

The changing SERP: Understanding and adapting to dynamic search results

The changing SERP: Understanding and adapting to dynamic search results

Consumer search behaviors are changing rapidly. According to a recent report from BrightEdge (disclaimer: my employer), 57 percent of searches now begin with a mobile device, and last year Google revealed that voice search has increased to about 20 percent of

7 Rules to Foolproof Your Next Marketing Campaign

7 Rules to Foolproof Your Next Marketing Campaign

Shaun Buck is anEntrepreneurs' Organization (EO)member from Idaho and founder ofThe Newsletter Pro, helping companies market and expand by creating high-quality print newsletters from concept through delivery. In his previous post, he explained the advantage

Building your Brand in the Web Age | LSEO Digital Marketing Services

Building your Brand in the Web Age | LSEO Digital Marketing Services

In a world of seemingly infinite choice, our purchasing decisions are more often based on the brand affinity of a product than its value or utility. Building a personal or business brand is a tough and time consuming task. Increasing your brand visibility

The SEO Primer to Learning Data Science Basics

The SEO Primer to Learning Data Science Basics

For years, SEOs have faced multiple paths when it comes to career development options. For some, the general options involving web development or traditional marketing roles have dominated the conversation, leaving out the data wonks out in the cold. While