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We Know Email Series: Dwight Swaney - Return Path

We Know Email Series: Dwight Swaney - Return Path

The following Question and Answer series profiles Return Path employees in a variety of roles and locations. Join us as we find out what they do, what they enjoy, and most importantly, what email campaigns they are loving lately. What’s your role here at

5 A/B testing ideas for your email marketing

5 A/B testing ideas for your email marketing

5 A/B testing ideas for your email marketing February 21, 2017 McKenzie Gregory Share this Article     We get it: Marketing isn’t always an exact science. Sometimes, it requires a little guesswork. But making assumptions about your audience can be risky,

The go-to email marketing playbook for media companies and publishers

The go-to email marketing playbook for media companies and publishers

Media companies and publishers are home to some of the savviest marketers around. They’re constantly looking for new ways to connect with readers and subscribers, and are often the first marketers to test out new channels. We’ve seen media companies and

Jennings: How Much Email Marketing Do You Really Need? - Only Influencers

Jennings: How Much Email Marketing Do You Really Need? - Only Influencers

Jennings: How Much Email Marketing Do You Really Need? Jeanne Jennings 111 Hits There’s the textbook ‘right’ way to structure an email marketing program, but you can often meet your initial business goals with much less: fewer email messages, reduced

How to Use Data to Drive Your Email Marketing

How to Use Data to Drive Your Email Marketing

How to Use Data to Drive Your Email Marketing IVAN KREIMER - JUN 6, 2017 0 total results Filters (0) Industry Twitter Facebook LinkedIn As a marketer, you know how important it is to use data to fuel your marketing campaigns. It‘s your job to look at what

The Beginner’s Guide to Creating Engaging Welcome Emails

The Beginner’s Guide to Creating Engaging Welcome Emails

These different words all mean the same thing – “Welcome”. As in different languages, there is a way of saying welcome through email, too. Yet, while greetings in languages are aided by expressions and gestures, emails depend solely on content and

iContact + LiveChat: Facilitating Engagement - iContact

iContact + LiveChat: Facilitating Engagement - iContact

At iContact, we make our API available to developers around the globe, so they can integrate iContact with the applications that make life easier for businesses and organizations. We recently sat down for a chat with Olga Kolodynska, Content and Email

6 Easy Ways to Reach New Customers | Constant Contact Blogs

6 Easy Ways to Reach New Customers | Constant Contact Blogs

As a small business, you don’t have a huge marketing budget. And traditional marketing tactics — like print marketing, TV and radio ads, and direct mail — can add up quickly. How can you reach new customers without breaking the bank?  With newer

10 Essential Tools to Supercharge Your Email Marketing

10 Essential Tools to Supercharge Your Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to establish relationships with prospects, reach your current customer base, promote your brand, and increase your sales. According to Salesforce, 44 percent of people who received promotional emails made at