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Publish or Perish: The New Digital Marketing Mantra

Publish or Perish: The New Digital Marketing Mantra

The Wow-Score shows how engaging a blog post is. It is calculated based on the correlation between users’ active reading time, their scrolling speed and the article’s length. Are you dominating your industry? If you’re not a publisher — if you

U.S. Digital Ad Market to Grow 16% This Year, Led by Facebook and Google

U.S. Digital Ad Market to Grow 16% This Year, Led by Facebook and Google

Total digital ad spending in the U.S. will increase 16% this year to $83 billion, led by Google’s continued dominance of the search ad market and Facebook’s growing share of display and mobile ads, according to eMarketer’s latest forecast. Google’s

Marketing in China: How Brands Close Sales with Virtual Reality - eMarketer

Marketing in China: How Brands Close Sales with Virtual Reality - eMarketer

Eloi Gerard, serial entrepreneur and co-founder and CEO of Shanghai-based virtual reality (VR) content studio Crow’s Nest, spoke with eMarketer’s David Green about why VR commerce is key for brands. eMarketer: You’ve worked with a number of interesting

Top Email Design Trends for Digital Marketing Success

Top Email Design Trends for Digital Marketing Success

The Wow-Score shows how engaging a blog post is. It is calculated based on the correlation between users’ active reading time, their scrolling speed and the article’s length. Emails don’t fail to surprise us with the potential they hold to engage and

How To Pack A Year’s Worth Of Marketing Education Into Two Days

How To Pack A Year’s Worth Of Marketing Education Into Two Days

How are you keeping up with the latest in marketing trends and innovations today? More importantly, how well is that working? If you're anything like me, you manage to find a few minutes out of every day to read one or two articles from trusted sources. You

4 Steps to Give Your Business a Digital Presence Overhaul

4 Steps to Give Your Business a Digital Presence Overhaul

4 Steps to Give Your Business a Digital Presence Overhaul You put a lot of work into establishing your online presence, now keep working to enhance it. Image credit: skaman306 | Getty Images March 13, 2017 Reader Resource Tune in April 7 and

My 8 Favorite Tools for Driving Business Growth

My 8 Favorite Tools for Driving Business Growth

Digital Marketing My 8 Favorite Tools for Driving Business Growth Supercharge your digital marketing with these 8 tools. After all, who has the time to do all those tasks without help? Image credit: ---Shares March 13,

Here’s Why Email Send Times Matter a Lot

Here’s Why Email Send Times Matter a Lot

Yes, we talk a lot about email around here. Tons, in fact. But let’s get rid of that word for a second and remember what an email really is: communication. “Email is still the most personal form of digital marketing,” says Nick Westergaard, founder of

The Hot Mess Dumpster Fire That Is Corporate Content

The Hot Mess Dumpster Fire That Is Corporate Content

How many brands are creating content that you just can’t wait for? Go ahead. Make a list. I’ll wait. You’re done, aren’t you?. Are there any brands on your list? Stop for just a second and think about that. We’ve been looking at this content