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How brands can win trust and loyalty [INFOGRAPHIC] | Netimperative - latest digital marketing news

How brands can win trust and loyalty [INFOGRAPHIC] | Netimperative - latest digital marketing news

Half of consumers tend to remain loyal to brands they like, but the vast majority still spend time researching products to make sure they get the best deal, according to DMA research. How can businesses meet consumers’ demands to build more trust and

Multichannel and Omnichannel Marketing Differences

Multichannel and Omnichannel Marketing Differences

What is the difference between multichannel marketing and Omnichannel marketing? The subtle differences represent a distinction that are not so clear to many organizations from B2B brands, startups and even within large enterprise companies. Defining the

Artificial Intelligence and Search Engine Trend

Artificial Intelligence and Search Engine Trend

Fоr years phіlоѕорhеrѕ and scientists hаvе bееn trуіng to undеrѕtаnd аnd rеѕоlvе twо bіg questions оf the universe: hоw does a humаn mіnd work, and саn machine hаvе mіnd? Thе main advances over the раѕt sixty уеаrѕ

4 fears an AI developer has about artificial intelligence

4 fears an AI developer has about artificial intelligence

As an artificial intelligence researcher, I often come across the idea that many people are afraid of what AI might bring. It’s perhaps unsurprising, given both history and the entertainment industry, that we might be afraid of a cybernetic takeover that

30 Best SEO Experts Share Their Industry Advice

30 Best SEO Experts Share Their Industry Advice

SEO professionals are such an amazingly generous community. From knowledge share to new discoveries and recommended strategies, the SEO community is full of experts who can help any SEO - whether beginner or expert - gain valuable insights to propel them

How to Build Your Own Search Ranking Algorithm with Machine Learning

How to Build Your Own Search Ranking Algorithm with Machine Learning

This quote couldn’t apply better to general search engines and web ranking algorithms. Think about it. You can ask Bing about mostly anything and you’ll get the best 10 results out of billions of webpages within a couple of seconds. If that’s not

5 Brands That Are Using GIFs to Elevate Their Email Marketing

5 Brands That Are Using GIFs to Elevate Their Email Marketing

As email marketers, we’re constantly asking ourselves what makes an email great. Witty copy? Stunning design? Eye-catching imagery? Sure, all these elements combine to create powerful email campaigns but nailing those elements down to an exact formula

Upgrade Your Knowledge and Sharpen Your Skills with Online Learning

Upgrade Your Knowledge and Sharpen Your Skills with Online Learning

Top performers in every industry are always upgrading their knowledge and sharpening their skills. This was historically done by reading books, listening to audio tapes and attending live seminars and conferences. Those are all still viable options but there

13 SEO Myths That Are Probably Killing Your Ranks

13 SEO Myths That Are Probably Killing Your Ranks

13 SEO Myths That Are Probably Killing Your Ranks TwitCount Faster, easier, higher. That’s what we’re all up to when it comes to ranks and traffic, right? Well, easy wins with little effort are rare in SEO. There are most likely myths that will wipe out