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Plan Your Business Trip Effortlessly. Here Are 4 Ways How -- and the Apps You Need to Know

Plan Your Business Trip Effortlessly. Here Are 4 Ways How -- and the Apps You Need to Know

The prospect of business travel, for many, is the most appealing part of a job description. After all, nothing beats visiting places the world over and not spending a cent. However, unlike leisure travel, where you can afford to be flexible with your

Google Black Hat Sitemap Bug: What It Means for XML Sitemaps

Google Black Hat Sitemap Bug: What It Means for XML Sitemaps

A few months back I discovered a shocking bug in how Google handles XML sitemaps, which enabled brand new sites to rank for competitive shopping terms by hijacking the equity from legitimate sites. I reported this issue to Google, and they have now fixed the

SEO & Cybersecurity: How the SEO Industry Views the Relationship

SEO & Cybersecurity: How the SEO Industry Views the Relationship

HTTPS has, for the most part, become the “poster boy” of cyber security, thanks in part to Google naming it as a ranking signal and then pushing for it further through changes in the Chrome browser. But as we know, cyber security doesn’t stop at

Google's mobile-first index has set sail. Are you on board? 5 SEO essentials - Search Engine Land

Google's mobile-first index has set sail. Are you on board? 5 SEO essentials - Search Engine Land

After a relatively lengthy wait, Google has started to roll out its mobile-first index. First announced back in 2016, the mobile-first index is a direct response to one of the most significant shifts in consumer behavior over the past few years. Last year,

How To Improve Blog SEO And Increase Trust

How To Improve Blog SEO And Increase Trust

For•ward•link•ing – v. the act of inserting links to newer posts into older posts. Ok, full disclosure time… that’s not a real word. I made it up. But, bear with me… it’s worth learning about just the same! Conceptually, it’s quite

Why You Should Republish Old Blog Content

Why You Should Republish Old Blog Content

Creating new content of any kind is a time consuming process. And many times, the content you spent hours creating doesn't get the desired effect. Blogging is no different. It takes time, and for most businesses, a lot of their blog content doesn't generate

3 Voice Search Tactics That Will Improve Your Content

3 Voice Search Tactics That Will Improve Your Content

For marketers, it’s important to avoid developing a one-track mind. Content in any form can be great, sure, and your strategy needs consistency. But concentrating too much on any one medium could cause you to miss out on other opportunities to engage your

Getting Maximum Results from Your Amazon Listings | Website Designs Content Marketing

Getting Maximum Results from Your Amazon Listings | Website Designs Content Marketing

Creating effective Amazon listings is an important part of ensuring that your target audience can find your products. Even though Amazon doesn’t give that much space or leeway, there are ways to get maximum results from your listings. As usual, remember

11 Reasons Why Your Social Media Pages Aren't Converting

11 Reasons Why Your Social Media Pages Aren't Converting

As a marketer, if you are looking at social media purely from an engagement perspective, you’re missing out. If your only goal is building a strong social media presence, you are not aiming high enough. With nearly one third of the world’s population