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LinkedIn Sales and Marketing Solutions EMEA Blog: With a Little Help from My Friends - 60 Amazing Marketers to Celebrate - Brian Solis

LinkedIn Sales and Marketing Solutions EMEA Blog: With a Little Help from My Friends - 60 Amazing Marketers to Celebrate - Brian Solis

2.  James Altucher , author, “Choose Yourself” James is a creative whirlwind—he’s an author, influencer, entrepreneur, venture capitalist, and has the best hair in the business. He dropped some serious knowledge on creativity and ideation on the 

A New Approach to Blogging. Expect a Better Standard. * Majestic Blog

A New Approach to Blogging. Expect a Better Standard. * Majestic Blog

No more unsubstantiated content. Not on this blog. Here is why Majestic will be setting new blog content standards into practice and why companies striving to use thought leadership as part of their market positioning should consider this as well. Google

Social Selling Techniques That Truly Converts

Social Selling Techniques That Truly Converts

Social selling is a concept that is quickly becoming more and more popular. Businesses small and large are trying to understand this concept and how they can optimize their channels. We recently connected with Spiralytics, and today they're going to sharing

Can Emojis Be Integrated Into Your Marketing Campaign?

Can Emojis Be Integrated Into Your Marketing Campaign?

While you may have read the title of this blog post and thought “what a ridiculous idea,” the effect of millennials and Generation Z and how they use emojis could actually see a rise in emoji SEO – and this could be coming sooner than you might think.

Here’s How Frequently the Social Media Pros Are Posting On Each Platform

Here’s How Frequently the Social Media Pros Are Posting On Each Platform

Mastering this one skill has been pivotal in growing my social and blog followings into the hundreds of thousands. Unfortunately, this is not an easy skill to master for one reason. Why? Optimal posting frequency is not uniform for all audiences or

Google and Bing Search Engine Speakers at Pubcon Las Vegas

Google and Bing Search Engine Speakers at Pubcon Las Vegas

Below is a list of search engine speakers attending Pubcon 2017. Be sure to checkout their sessions! (there are several more search engine employees in the works as well) Gary Illyes: Webmaster Trends Analyst Gary is dedicated to creating a better search

Getting Started with Automated Email Marketing

Getting Started with Automated Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of those pivotal, game-changing facets of online marketing that nearly every serious marketer needs to not only know how to do — but do successfully. As you’ve learned to grow your business, you no doubt have come across email

How to Create a Coordinated Email and Social Strategy

How to Create a Coordinated Email and Social Strategy

Recent reports have found that key players in the food and beverage industry — including Hershey, Campbell, Kellogg, and General Mills — are seeing sales continue to decline. With Amazon’s purchase of Whole Foods, these and other brands will face

6 Strategies To Boost Ad Revenue For New Publishers

6 Strategies To Boost Ad Revenue For New Publishers

One of the most profitable modes of income for the online publishers today is the revenues from the ads that they feature on their sites. The publisher-brand bonding is becoming stronger by the day as more and more marketers are queuing up for securing an ad