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Hitting Bullseye: Evaluating Keywords For Better SEO

Hitting Bullseye: Evaluating Keywords For Better SEO

Last time, we took a look at thekeyword brainstorming process. But what value is there if we can't understand which phrases to go after? In this article, call it Part B if you will, we'll be taking a look at the process of evaluating keywords. Let's say that

All the Different Audience Targeting Methods in Facebook - Ignite Visibility

All the Different Audience Targeting Methods in Facebook - Ignite Visibility

Fortunately, Facebook gives you plenty of great options when it comes to targeting your ads. That’s one of the reasons why it’s among the most cost-efficient advertising options online. In this article, we’ll go over the various targeting methods and

5 Ways Email Marketing Can Benefit Your Blog - BloggingPro

5 Ways Email Marketing Can Benefit Your Blog - BloggingPro

Are you seeking fresh ideas for bringing your blog to life? Are you looking to squeeze every last bit of opportunity from your blog? Are you willing to consider any and every strategy, as long as it can help take your blog to the next level? While there are

5 Top Social Media Podcasts Every Marketer Should Listen To

5 Top Social Media Podcasts Every Marketer Should Listen To

If you are looking for social media podcasts then you’re in the right place.  In this post I share 5 of my “top” podcasts to listen to for social media strategy. Each podcast shares practical, actionable tips and tools for getting results with social

How to Sell Complicated Products in a Digital Age

How to Sell Complicated Products in a Digital Age

Sales and marketing professionals are often told to craft a compelling but brief “elevator pitch” that they can deliver on demand. They can then expand on those concepts once they’ve lured potential customers in. However, for some businesses, a brief

Increase Website Traffic - The Only 4 Traffic Strategies to Follow

Increase Website Traffic - The Only 4 Traffic Strategies to Follow

Your blog is better than 99% of the blogs in your niche. Your content is highly helpful and useful to readers. And yet, you get no traffic while others with lower quality blogs than yours get all the traffic and credit. You listen to many of the gurus and

Why You Shouldn't Ignore Video Content

Why You Shouldn't Ignore Video Content

Video content—the bane of existence to any marketer who doesn’t like to be on camear. What should you do? Wait for it to go away? Or join ranks with the 87 percent of online marketers who already use it? That is the right question to ask! Online

10 Ways to Update Your Marketing with New Trends and Technology

10 Ways to Update Your Marketing with New Trends and Technology

New technology, trends and techniques are likely to have an impact on how you do business in 2018. These changes can vary depending on your business or industry. But members of the online small business community have lots of experience updating their online

Posting Ads On Facebook Only? You Might Want To Consider These Alternatives - Marketing Agency Software | Reportgarden

Posting Ads On Facebook Only? You Might Want To Consider These Alternatives - Marketing Agency Software | Reportgarden

Facebook Ads is considered to be one of the most powerful advertising platforms for ‘n’ number of marketers today. You will be surprised to learn that Facebook is the number one social media platform used by businesses, and around 41% of the small