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E-commerce companies can improve revenue by following these 5 tips

E-commerce companies can improve revenue by following these 5 tips

E-commerce websites can seem overwhelming to manage, but effective information architecture, SEO and content marketing strategies can make a huge difference. Nothing about the advice I offer below is complicated, difficult or expensive. After learning

The Facebook Ad Types: How to Choose the Best Ad Type for Your Goals

The Facebook Ad Types: How to Choose the Best Ad Type for Your Goals

Did you know that people in the U.S. spend 20% of their mobile time on Facebook or Instagram? And there are over 1.8 billion people using Facebook every month? With so many active users, Facebook Ads are a no-brainer for any marketer looking to reach new

4 ways you can improve your website conversion rate with SEO

4 ways you can improve your website conversion rate with SEO

Efforts to drive more traffic and rank better on search engines sometimes seem to be in conflict with those for increasing conversion rates for your website. But, as improved user experience becomes a stronger criterion for search engines, search engine

What is Bounce Rate? (And How Can I Fix Mine?)

What is Bounce Rate? (And How Can I Fix Mine?)

Outside of the marketing context, the word "bounce" is actually kind of fun. It reminds us of childhood hours passed in an inflated bounce house, of a basketball game, or maybe even a game of jacks. But when it comes to your website's analytics, it's part of

Google: Why We Don't Disclose Most Google Updates & Algorithm Changes

Google: Why We Don't Disclose Most Google Updates & Algorithm Changes

Google's John Mueller addressed the question of why they don't disclose most Google algorithm updates and changes in this mornings Google hangout not just once, but twice. He did so at the 8 minute mark and the 14:18 minute mark into the video. The short

Google expands fact checking effort to all searches worldwide

Google expands fact checking effort to all searches worldwide

Sign up for our daily recaps of the ever-changing search marketing landscape. Last October, Google launched support to highlight fact-checking articles within Google News in the US and UK. Now those articles will get special presentation as part of general

5 quick SEO wins for new clients

5 quick SEO wins for new clients

I put out a HARO query to see what tactics other SEO specialists and agencies used as quick wins when they took on a new project. I got back some great, solid responses from SEO experts across the country and wanted to share their advice. Most of the

10 Rules for Video Marketing & SEO Success

10 Rules for Video Marketing & SEO Success

Video is one of, if not the most, influential communication mediums today. Platforms like YouTube, as well as smartphone and technology advancements, have made it easier and more affordable for people to create video content. It is predicted that by 2019,

5 Steps to Creating Personalized Content Experiences for ABM | Marketo

5 Steps to Creating Personalized Content Experiences for ABM | Marketo

It’s something you may not even realize, but as a consumer, you’re getting served personalized experiences left and right. From your Netflix recommendations to your suggested Spotify playlists, nearly everything we interact with online has some kind of