Guide to Switching from HTTP to HTTPS for SEO - Ignite Visibility

Guide to Switching from HTTP to HTTPS for SEO - Ignite Visibility

NOTE: We have added a quick and easy checklist for switching from http to https at the bottom of this post.

Earlier in the month, Google announced a lightweight ranking signal within their Google Search algorithm. The Https/SSL ranking signal is said to only impact an estimated one percent of global searches, but Google says they may strengthen the Https signal overtime. Thus, allowing webmasters an adequate amount of time to migrate their websites from Http to Https. Google’s new process of buying and installing an SSL certification is an effort to push improved online security and will play an important role in SEO; however, it is not going to be an instant fix for improved ranking. The Https signal will aid as a ranking factor by improving relevancy and ranking of search results.

With another Google recommendation to keep up with, webmasters are wondering how switching from Http to Https is going to change a site’s SEO. In all honesty, it won’t impact onsite SEO directly, but instead increase the strength of a site’s URL, which will play a small role in a site’s ranking. Google now openly admits that they will give a ranking boost to SSL sites, further encouraging webmasters to make the switch now to gain a tiny boost.

Https (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) is a secure version of Http that’s commonly used on ecommerce transaction sites, such as email applications, online checkouts, and online banking. Essentially, when a user connects to a website via Https, the website then encrypts the sessions with a SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Certificate. A user is able to detect the added layer of security as the URL will begin with Https instead of Http or the locked pad lock icon will appear next to the URL, as with FireFox and Google Chrome.

The SSL certificate functions as small data files that hold a cryptographic key digital bind; thus, providing a secure connection between the web server and the browser. This stops data from being transferred to anyone who may be snooping. Prior to Google’s latest announcement, as many as 10 percent of all websites used Https, but that number is growing in light of the new Https recommendation.

Should I Switch to Https for SEO?

Switching your website to Https will not skyrocket your site to the top of the search results for your targeted keywords; however, it does appear to be the wave of the future as Google strives to provide a secure browsing experience. Migrating your URL to Https/SSL is not a key priority or a single factor that will boost your ranking, but website owners need to prepare now as there will be a massive shift towards Https, especially after Google’s endorsement. In terms of Google weeding through spammy and low quality sites, by switching your URL your site will gain credibility and your URL will have added juice behind it; thus, resulting in a higher ranking.

How Do I Migrate My URL to Https?

It’s not uncommon for some websites to already have SSL enabled on certain pages of a website, such as checkout areas. But, keep in mind that your page ranking increase will only be applied to the pages that have SSL enabled. Therefore, you need your entire website to be moved to Https in order for your site to benefit from a full ranking boost.

To begin migrating your URL, you’ll need an SSL certification if you don’t already have one. You’ll need to decide if you need a single, multiple-domain, or wildcard certification. It’s best to use 2048-bit key certificate.

Next, use relative URLs for resources that reside on the same domain that’s secured. You will also use the protocol relative URLs for all of your domains. You’ll need to change your website’s address with the Change of Address Tool as stated by Google. Although, be aware you can’t currently change your URL to Https from within Google Webmaster Tools as the capability isn’t there. Google is aware of this issue as is working on it.

When changing your URL, be sure your Https site isn’t blocked from crawling with robots.txt. Also, allow indexing of your pages by search engines; however, avoid the noindex robots meta tag. During the entire migration process, track your migration with analytics software and Google Webmasters.

Is There Anything I Should Be Concerned About?

There is no real downside to switching your URLs to Https. Although there have been a handful of reports of a few websites suffering a decrease in traffic after migrating URLs, the drop in traffic is not related to the URL transfer. However, be aware that migrating your URL needs to be done correctly or you will suffer a decrease in traffic.

The biggest concern relating to Https is the fact many feel the load speed is slower when compared to Http, but Google has been working on the issue and says they have resolved the speed problems. In addition, Google states moving your URL will not impact your SEO or ranking in any negative way if done correctly.

The bottom line remains, although switching to Https may not be necessary right now or cause a huge increase in ranking, by switching now you’ll be ahead of the curve and already prepared for when the massive switch does happen.

Although many webmasters aren’t in favor of the switch, overtime, the migration will be more urgent. Currently, Google has yet to announce when ranking will be influenced by Https to a further extent. In the meantime, change your URL to Https, continue focusing on quality content, and build relevant inbound links so you’re fully prepared for the next round of algorithm updates.

What You’ll Need to Make the Switch

The new ranking signal will continue to develop in strength and popularity as increased internet security is a growing concern. Give your website visitors peace of mind while benefiting from a small ranking boost by making the switch to HTTPS.

“What is Https/SSL & Will It Boost my Rankings?” HallamInternet

“Going Https/SSL Will Now Give You a Ranking Benefit in Google” SERoundTable

“Why You Should Move Your Website to HTTPS/SSL”

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