Win Big with Custom SEO & Marketing Tools

Win Big with Custom SEO & Marketing Tools

This is a sponsored post written by Rank Ranger. The opinions expressed in this article are the sponsor’s own.

SEO and digital marketing are not monolithic. So why should your reporting be?

It’s time to bring data reporting out of the Stone Age.

With each passing day, website optimization and online marketing become more diverse, and as a result more complex.

You can forget trying to get the whole picture from a single dataset. That’s so 2017.

With the new year right around the corner, why not get the full scoop with cross-dataset custom analysis? Experience the data revolution with the full-on insights that come from tracking correlations from multiple data sources on a graph that is the definition of versatile.

When your Facebook success impacts your traffic, which then impacts your rankings, getting the data picture in piecemeal is about as effective as typing with your toes. Sure, you’ll get there, eventually.

But what if you didn’t have to flip from chart to chart, from graph to graph, and then back again because you already forgot what the first graph said? What if it was all there for you in one place? What if you could track multiple metrics from multiple data sources on one graph?

What if you could see if your call campaigns are more effective than your email campaigns, which might be more profitable than your paid search efforts combined? How valuable would seeing all of that be (and how much money might it save you)?

Probably about as valuable as seeing if that uptick in your rankings correlates with the number of backlinks you now have, or if it’s the number of clicks (as found in Google Search Console) that are driving you up the SERP.

Which might mean nothing next to knowing if your Bing Ads are actually bringing you more business than your AdWords ads, or if your Facebooks ads are a waste of time because your organic Twitter performance puts it all to shame! Which of course is all irrelevant without analyzing your total costs and profits.

You want to plot all this?! Then allow us to introduce you to the ever-versatile, hyper-customizable, data diverse Insight Graph!

From rank, to Analytics, to Google Search Console, to Bing Webmaster Tools, to IBM Analytics, to Adobe Analytics, to AdWords, to Bing Ads, to Majestic, to Ahrefs, to social analytics, to Call Tracking Metrics, to CallRail, to Mailchimp, to Constant Contact, to Aweber, to Yext, to your very own in-house data (truth)!

Take the Insight Graph (and the rest of our reporting tools) for a test spin by signing up for a free trial account.

Now, what good are cross-data custom correlations if the graphing platform they are plotted on is about as flexible and exciting as your 9th-grade chemistry teacher (no offense to chemistry teachers)?

The name of the game when it comes to analyzing, evaluating, and showcasing your data is versatility. That is, can you show whatever data you want? Can you set up the comparisons that will provide you insight?

More specifically, can you set custom date ranges? Can you compare multiple data periods for multiple metrics, across multiple datasets?

Let’s not forget the visual aspect of reporting. Not all data is the same, and not every chart type works for each metric or dataset.

Can you choose which type of chart to show your data with? Can you display multiple chart types on the same graph so that each metric and data source you’re showing is actually discernible?

Data reporting is like politics, it’s all about the optics. Can you manipulate the way your graphs look, from the color to the very thickness of the lines and markers, to marker types, to label size etc?

We’re happy to tell you, with the Insight Graph, the answer is a resounding YES!

How versatile would we be if we only gave you one way to plot multiple metrics from multiple data sources according to multiple display options?

All of the data you can compare, correlate, and integrate, just in a series of widgets, each containing one highly visible metric.

Too much data for one graph? Is it starting to look a bit overwhelming? Not sure you want to share that mess with the boss upstairs or your new client? Go with the widgets…

Any of the prolific data you can access in the Insight Graph is available to you with our Metric Widgets. Perfect for when the data just becomes too much, the Metric Widgets allow you to create, compare, and analyze cross-source data – one metric at a time – via a series of single metric widgets.

Create row after row of data-heavy widgets to highlight correlations from multiple data sources, and to keep things tidy and data sources segmented, insert custom titled row separators.

Quickly compare data to previous values and showcase data changes.

Go crazy with the design. Choose a color theme, resize the widgets, and choose to insert a custom-colored trends chart.

With all of these custom graphing superpowers, it would be a crying shame not to share your cross-source data creations with your colleagues, clients, or whomever.

We thought so too, so we gave your custom graphs the most suitable environment within which to showcase your data success, a 100 percent white label dashboard with full access to the HTML and CSS. Meaning, you can put multiple graphs (or widgets) all plotted with multiple metrics from multiple data sources within a dashboard that can look and feel like any site you want!

The data reporting revolution will not be televised… it will be seen on a multi-tabbed dashboard accessed via a custom URL.

There’s no shame in it, you’ve created a monster. A multi-metric, multi-sourced data behemoth that brings correlative insights right to your doorstep.

In fact, by giving you the ability to present your clients with unique correlative data, the likes of which they’ve never seen (since we’re the only ones on the market offering it), the Insight Graph (and Metric Widgets) break the darn the door down!

Find out how easy it is to create customized, multi-sourced reports that will help you gain valuable insights and impress your clients.

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