Five Easy Ideas for Creating Content Your Audience Craves

Five Easy Ideas for Creating Content Your Audience Craves

Are you responsible for creating and publishing the content for your business’ website and/or social media pages? If so, then you already know that creating content for your specific audience involves time and commitment – not to mention a reasonable amount of creativity.

As I mentioned in a post from earlier this year, content marketing should be a top priority for your company by now – if it isn’t already. The percentages of businesses that are experiencing success from their content marketing strategies has increased dramatically over the past couple of years.

Creating content that prompts engagement and builds loyalty within your audience is not always easy. For starters, content creation requires research, strategy, and skill…not to mention trial and error, with a good dose of frustration mixed in.

However, once you get past all those necessary activities that help you eventually determine the content your audience really wants, you can then focus on creating the content that wows and wins them over.

Regardless of your business’ industry or geography, there is really one main thing your audience wants more than anything else: valuable information.

In his recent article for, Garrett Moon suggests aggregating information as a useful way of creating content that provides value to your audience. Moon says the following:

As Mandy Edwards pointed out in one of her recent posts, infographics are useful for condensing and displaying information and data into a visually pleasing format. Infographics convert your numbers and stats into stunning visual content. As well, they grab your audience’s attention because they are often quicker to read and easier to absorb than some blog posts.

On the flip side, quality infographics can also benefit you. As noted by Victor Ijidola in his recent article for The Next Web, infographics are effective for increasing traffic to your website and are powerful in regards to SEO.

Writing a list post is another easy way of creating content. Lists allow you to give your audience the valuable information they crave in an easy-to-read format.

For example, you might consider compiling a list of trustworthy, industry-relevant tools that you know your target market can use. Another idea is putting a list of resources together that your audience can bookmark for future reference.

The possibilities are endless for the types of lists you can create, and your audience will appreciate them, too.

Take the initiative and reach out to influential and knowledgeable audience members and your current clients. Chances are good that they are more than willing to share their expertise with others in your industry.

As Ann Smarty suggests in her article for Tweak Your Biz, “Ask the Right Questions: Creating Awesome Blog Content by Interviewing Others,” ask questions that provide thought provoking answers, or which give you a glimpse into the expert. Include those questions, along with the industry specific ones that will inevitably be a part of the list.

In this same article, Smarty suggests that you offer other members in your audience the opportunity to submit questions for the interview. This option can certainly drive engagement and help get more of your audience involved.

Brett Relander provides the following impressive stats about visual content marketing in his recent article for Launch & Hustle:

Online design tools such as Canva make creating attractive and unique visual content easy, even for people who are not designers by nature.

Creating, editing, and sharing videos has also become easier (and more affordable) than ever with apps such Windows Movie Maker, Magisto Video Editor & Maker, and WeVideo.

Are you creating content that attracts your audience and keeps them coming back for more? What types of content drives engagement for your business? I would love to hear what works for you – please feel free to leave a comment below.

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