7 Twitter Accounts That Will Make You a Better Social Media Marketer

7 Twitter Accounts That Will Make You a Better Social Media Marketer

One common challenge for social media marketers is the pace—not only is it tough to stay on top of a consistent posting schedule, but social platforms seem to announce new features or changes every other week. It’s almost impossible for the stretched-thin marketer to keep up.

Fortunately, marketers can lean on subject matter experts who readily offer up their hard-earned advice, all in 140 characters or less. When it comes to stepping up your social media game, it only makes sense to turn to the platforms themselves for guidance.

That’s why we’ve taken the time to round up some of the top influencers on Twitter who serve up their expertise on a daily basis. So, whether you’re looking for inspiration, relevant industry news, or even a laugh, peruse the list below and give them a follow.

When it comes right down to it, what determines great social posts? Great content, of course. And writing guru Ann Handley’s Twitter account is rife with fantastic tips on taking your content marketing to the next level. The renowned author of “Everybody Writes” serves up a mix of writing advice, a helpful weekly #SocialSkim of the top marketing news, and a touch of humor to keep you entertained as well as informed.

Once you give his Twitter bio a glance, you’ll quickly realize that Peter Shankman has a smorgasbord of job titles. From business consultant, angel investor, NASA advisor (so cool, right?), and founder of Help a Reporter Out (HARO), his interests run the gamut. But Mr. Shankman still has plenty of time to create high-quality blog content and more than a few hilarious (and helpful) tweets.

What can social marketers learn from this modern-day Renaissance man? Scrolling through his feed, his personality and brand shines through in every tweet. This guy knows how to stay on message—and it’s a well-crafted one, at that.

As one of Entrepreneur’s Top 50 Online Marketing Influencers to Watch, it’s no surprise that Bullas’ feed is replete with advice on how to step up your social game. While he posts daily on topics across the digital marketing spectrum, this marketing consultant also generates dozens of pieces of original content on social media strategy.

And with more than half a million followers, it’s obvious that this expert has a strong following for good reason.

This digital marketing maven offers solid advice from north of the border. As the CEO and founder of the Top Dog Social Media agency, she tutors businesses on the ins and outs of using social media to boost their businesses. And she offers up a heaping helping of pro tips on her Twitter feed as well.

While originally touted as one of the industry’s top LinkedIn experts, (and she still offers tips to optimize LinkedIn profiles and pages), she also posts plenty of advice on getting the most from your efforts across other major social platforms.

As one of Forbes’ Top 20 Women Social Media Influencers, Moore is a certifiable social media expert. As CEO of her own agency, aptly called Marketing Nutz, she lends her expertise via social media training and consulting to clients ranging in size from solopreneurs to Fortune 10 companies.

As one of her approximately 300,000 followers, you’ll get the latest updates on changes to crucial social platforms, industry news, and a healthy dose of her own expert advice for eager marketers.

The well-known founder of SEO software firm Moz offers an insider’s perspective on social media and digital marketing from a organic search perspective. He pairs his musings on digital marketing and SEO with honest tweets about startups and the tech industry as a whole.

So, followers not only receive relevant Silicon Valley news, but also his learned views on the hot industry issues.

When it comes to almost any social media channel, Gary Vee rules the digital roost. If you aren’t convinced by his many accomplishments (four-time New York Times bestselling author, serial entrepreneur, and renowned speaker, just to name a few), then take a quick gander at his Twitter profile.

You’ll find his usual no-nonsense business advice, exclusive sneak peeks from his #AskGaryVee podcast, and good, old-fashioned social media advice. This content formula obviously works, since he gets great engagement from his whopping 1.46 million followers.

Have a favorite Twitter account that wasn’t included in our list? Whether it’s about social media, marketing, tech, or something completely unrelated, we’re eager to hear your thoughts. Tag @hootsuite on Twitter and let us know!

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