MLM - 10 Tips to Generate Leads Through Solo Ad Marketing

MLM - 10 Tips to Generate Leads Through Solo Ad Marketing

As a professional network marketer, you know there are numerous marketing techniques that can generate network marketing leads for your network marketing company.

Some marketing methods are free and some involve a small investment.

A solo ad is a strategy that can involve a small investment. However, the leads generated can be substantial and well worth the cost if you do it right.

Let’s look at the top 10 tips you can use to effectively create a solo ad that can generate leads for your business.

You want to make sure your ad is targeted to the right audience. For example, it would a waste of time and money to place an ad in an ezine about SEO or gardening.

Make sure you begin your search on Google and type in keyword phrases such as “mlm ezines”, “network marketing ezines”, “work from home ezines”, etc. You will come back with thousands of results. Pick a few, subscribe to them, assess if the ezine is something you would like to advertise in, and analyze what captures your attention.

The headline is the most important part of your ad and must be packed with power words such as tips, free, and save. It also has to be believable and not hyped up.

There are lots of interesting headlines you can pull from Tom “Big Al” Schreiter’s site for free and other software you can purchase at a low cost such as “Headliner Pro”.

Nothing is worse than spending lots of time on finding an ezine, creating your ad, submitting it, and them come to find out the spam filter crew caught it!

Make sure you test your ad against a spam filter to make sure it will go through.

Many times, ezine publishers will require that you ad have 60/65 characters per line. If you don’t do this, your ad may appear rather strange.

The purpose of a solo ad is NOT to sell your product or service. You only want it to be compelling enough so people will want click on it and then be redirected to your network marketing company’s website. Your website should do the selling for you and not the ad copy.

Never create an ad and don’t track results.

If you don’t track, you will have no idea where the traffic is coming from.

You want to make sure to use a tracking URL so you can see if your ezine ad is generating traffic satisfactorily.

This tip can really help you in the long run. You will need to assess what ads are working well for you and which ones are not.

The only way to do this is only by testing. If you are not getting the results you want, it could be only a minor change needs to be made to the headline. You could then make the change and test your new ad against the old one.

The point is, you will never know what is working unless you test.

You don’t want to use a cookie-cutter approach here. You want to be yourself and have people respond to the real you.

If you have to wait a few weeks before your ad is submitted, it is a good sign.

This means that other marketers have found the ezine to be a very valuable resource with a highly responsive list that buys. So, don’t get upset if you have to wait a few weeks!

Make sure your ads include the benefits of your MLM product or service and then include a call to action. The call of action tells your prospects how they can begin to benefit from your products or services immediately.

Solo ads are a great way to promote your network marketing company’s product or service as well as generate leads. Spend some time finding that right ezine with a responsive list, create a compelling ad, submit your ad, and watch your lead base explode! Make sure you follow these free mlm tips today.

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