How to Use Pinterest to Draw Huge Traffic

How to Use Pinterest to Draw Huge Traffic

In all honesty, when I started out, I didn’t consider Pinterest as a viable option to drive website traffic.  While I was aware of its potential for certain applications (like recipes, décor, etc.), I admittedly dismissed the value it had in other areas like Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Online Marketing.  I didn’t think my audience would be there.  That misconception probably delayed the growth of my website far longer than necessary.

FACT: Reports release in early April 2017 indicate that Pinterest has exceeded 175 Million active users! That’s huge.  It also means that there is a strong likelihood that just about any topic you can imagine has a following there.

Most people see Pinterest as another social media site.  Many aren’t aware that Pinterest is also a search engine.  Its algorithm functions much the same was as Google or Bing – using keywords to display relevant ‘pins’ to members based on their interests.  If you pin a lot of Minion Memes, your feed is going to include more Memes featuring Minions. (This is how I brighten my day.  No judging.)

It’s this feed – the Pinterest Smart Feed – that is going to drive relevant, targeted traffic to your site.  Here’s how –

First off – if you don’t already have a Pinterest account, go here to set one up.  If you already have one, then you’re already a setup ahead.  Since Pinterest is uses a keyword based algorithm to find relevant pins for its users, you will want to ensure that you are using targeted keywords in all of the following areas:

Your Profile – Your name and description should include your target keywords, so that when people conduct a search on that keyword, your profile has a chance at showing up in the results.  Take a look at the results when I conduct a search of ‘online marketing’:

As you can see, profiles with the keywords in their name are showing up under ‘People’ in the results.  A deeper dive into Nicki’s profile, and you can see how she effectively uses keywords in her description to drive results.

Your Profile Image – Make sure to use the same profile image on your Pinterest account that you do in all of your other social media accounts.  This helps to drive name recognition and develop your brand.  People tend to identify with others who include an actual profile photo rather than a logo.

Boards – When setting up your boards – include the use of keywords as well.  (Getting old yet?)  When naming your board, don’t limit yourself to one specific keyword.  Broaden it and include the use of 1 or 2 other keyword phrases.

Also notice how I used keywords in the description, separated by commas, rather than writing out a paragraph.  Utilizing this strategy will help place your pins in front of more people searching for keyword phrases that are included in your description.  Appropriate use of titles will also help grab the attention of viewers.

Pins – If I haven’t said it enough already – use of keywords in your pins is critical as well.  Keep your keywords a little more targeted on your individual pins, and make sure they’re relevant to the data you’re presenting.

It’s generally a good idea to setup as many boards as you can, but be sure to keep them relevant and specific.  If you’re running a dance studio, you don’t want a board that simply says ‘Dancing’.  That’s too broad.  Instead, break it down into more specific topics such as;

The specific use of more refined keywords will better match up to what users are searching for, increasing your exposure.

As always, good quality, engaging content is your key to success.

Group boards are one of your most effective ways to grow your website traffic.  Pinning to a group board exposes your pin to all members of that group – increasing the odds that someone else will pin your post, exposing you to a greater number of potential viewers.  There are some group boards with thousands of followers, which opens you up to a whole new realm of potential.  Group boards are key to attracting website traffic.

Remember the screenshot from above where I looked up ‘Online marketing’?  In another review of the screenshot, you can see a small list of group boards that are related to that search.

Another great way to locate Pinterest boards is through a website called

In the screenshot above, I ran a search on the keyword ‘website’, which returned a couple of possible groups related to that keyword.  At a high level, you can see how many followers the board has, how many contributors, the total number of pins, etc.  Also, if you highlight the description button, a lot of times the board operator will include instructions on how to get invited to become a contributor of the board.

In the event that those instructions are not available, you will need to identify who the board owner is and contact them directly to request an invite.  The owner of the board is the first profile listed next to the board description.

Once the board owner sends you an invite, you will see it appear in your notifications.  Be careful to follow all of the rules the board owner has set, or you run the risk of being kicked off.  Between group boards and your personal boards, try to add around 20-30 pins per day.

Business Pinterest accounts provide you access to a very useful analytics tool that will allow you to review the success of each pin within your boards.  The link to the tool is located in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.  Review the data provided by the tool often, as you will be able to use the data gained from your most successful pins to improve the performance of your others.

Pinterest, if used often and appropriately, is an extremely effective resource for driving website traffic.  It’s critical, if you want to see real results, that you follow all necessary steps to optimize all aspects of your profile, boards, and pins – and use group boards to increase exposure.  If you do this, it will definitely help you drive a much higher volume of targeted traffic.

If you’ve found a strategy on Pinterest that has help you, please let us know in the comment section below!

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