How Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, and Blockchain Will Change Online Business

How Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, and Blockchain Will Change Online Business

How Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, and Blockchain Will Change Online Business
How Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, and Blockchain Will Change Online Business
By Brandon Johnston March 14, 2018 Online Marketing No Comments
Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, and Blockchain — they are three of the most tossed around words in the world of finance and business lately. What’s even more dramatic and crazy about these new concepts, is the attention they are getting, yet are also so misunderstood at the same time.
To help bring some attention and awareness to all three of these new wave technologies and currencies, we reached out to some of the world’s top entrepreneurs , business experts, and marketers to get there thoughts on how the world of business will quickly be changed once more businesses and brand continues to implement these methods and new technologies.
Crypto, Bitcoin, and Blockchain — How will they change the world of online business?
As cryptocurrency grows, I can see more websites accepting Bitcoins as a payment method. Companies like Coinbase, BitPay, and even Stripe are now allowing website owners to accept Bitcoin as payments for goods. It would be interesting to see when ad spots are being sold for various cryptocurrencies.
Syed Balkhi –
I’ve been looking a lot into cryptocurrencies (I guess like everyone else) recently. Short term, I don’t see any big changes as Bitcoin and other more established currencies have very slow transaction times and also have incredibly high fees. They are just not viable enough for online business in current shape and form. In the long term, I see more modern cryptocurrencies as an ideal payment method online, especially for donations and subscriptions from fans to creators. A more modern cryptocurrency such as Raiblocks (XRB) for instance has instant transactions and no fees (completely zero fees). This beats even our credit cards and if it (or something like it) goes mainstream it can become the default way creators and other businesses accept money online.
Marko Saric –
I am hardly an expert in cryptocurrency (bitcoin) and blockchain, but believe crypto will be more relevant with regard to #RetailRelevancy and ease of payments, especially for the unbanked. As far as marketing, blockchain will play a vital role in how content, and resulting actions/shares/influence, is tracked, recorded and compensated. At Photofy, in Q1 of 2018, John Andrews and I will be introducing a solution combined with Prevailing Path’s shopper insights to address this challenge.
Ted Rubin –
Cryptocurrency has been the biggest trend of 2017. Many people are wondering whether these virtual coins are here to stay or if they are just some massive bubble that will explode shortly. In my opinion as a marketer and a tech expert, I truly believe that the cryptocurrencies will be here to stay. There will definitely be coins that fizzle out and new ones that emerge, but the space as a whole will be supported because of its numerous uses. These coins have the ability to change online business and marketing as a whole forever. Daily online purchases will shortly include cryptocurrencies as acceptable payment methods and marketers will have to adjust their marketing campaigns to include owners of cryptocurrencies. These virtual currencies are here to stay and more people are backing them now than ever before. The opportunity for businesses all over the world will dramatically increase if they involve themselves in accepting cryptocurrencies because of the additional exposure and the intrigue that it will bring to markets.
Jeet Banerjee –
We’ve actually started using Bitcoin and cryptocurrency as tender in our business. One of the most impressive features is the ability to make transfers within 30 minutes. Since we work with international businesses, this is very handy and minimises the latency risk compared with bank transfers, which can take a few days to process. Additionally, the fees are lower in most cases. You can be creative and use different currencies to make the transfer and minimise your transfer fees. When sending international payments from Australia with some banks, fees can be $40-80 per bank transaction. So blockchain is a quick win if used.
David James –
I can see cryptocurrency and bitcoin having an effect on Online Marketing efforts particularly for support blogs and digital media. I feel that right now the advertising rates are near enough bottom so I can feel that one way for people to capitalise is using cryptocurrency mining. With that said, it’s incredibly bad form to put cryptocurrency mining on a users site or computer without permission, so I think it’s more of a warning rather than a recommendation, so please be aware of it.
I can see it being a good thing cryptocurrency, not least because it opens up the world to a new range of suppliers as cryptocurrency is the first real currency of the internet, and is has no borders and unlike things like Paypal it needs very little to maintain. So this could allow you to employ and do business with people outside of the traditional markets.
Rhys Wynne – Winwar Media
The hype around Bitcoin in the recent months has everyone interested. The phenomenon made people that have never used a computer look into how to get their hands on the investment of the decade. One of my elderly family members nearly turned her $750,000 worth of gold into Bitcoin!
The Bitcoin fad may be calming down, but Cryptocurrency is only going to grow. Goldman Sachs set up a cryptocurrency exchange desk, and the other major players are sure to follow. As debt increases and cash becomes more volatile, I predict cryptocurrency to find greater stability. While I don’t see immediate changes in this area, mark my words: WIthin the next 5-10 years, both small and big businesses alike will be accepting cryptocurrency as a normal form of payment from customers looking to buy products and services. One day soon, these products will be as common as credit cards and as regulated as printed dollar bills.
Frightening today with the rapid fluctuation of Bitcoin, but this is not a fad – it is the world evolving into a cashless society. While you don’t need to do anything today to “jump on the bandwagon,” you need to remain aware of the trend so that it doesn’t catch you by surprise!
Andrew Lowen – Next Level Web
The demand for searches like bitcoin, blockchain or any relevant industry terms will babble up for the next 2 or 3 years. There’d also be affiliate bloggers who will take advantage of the trend as a way to monetize a new niche site on the topic they could actually start with. Reviews, programs, and info-products like online courses on bitcoin, for example, will increase as more and more people are eager to learn how to earn money through cryptocurrency. That being said, it’s a monetizable niche for those who have a good knowledge about those finance topics and are able to package them into info products that can well serve the target audience.
Venchito Tampon –
Cryptocurrency, and more importantly, blockchain technology is set to make a huge impact on almost every aspect of our lives – sales and marketing will be no different. We’re many years away from this happening, but when it does it will likely empower the individual consumer to have much more control over their data, which will impact businesses a lot. I can imagine a world where everyone’s personal information, purchase data, health records, etc. is privately stored on a blockchain and owned completely by them (instead of large advertising networks). To get access to this information, companies will have to broker deals with individuals to get access to some of their data. The impact of the decentralization of data will likely be the greatest change of all for sales/marketing, but it also creates a lot of opportunities.
Matthew Barby –

It’s crazy, what’s going on in the world of cryptocurrency and with bitcoin right now. I remember watching the values of these a couple years ago, and now they have just shot up like crazy. I think the ‘craziness’ on these have stopped, but at the same time, I don’t think we are anywhere done. Some big name business owners are calling for a million dollar price tag by 2020. With so much attention in this crypto markets, I think it’s going to change the world of finance and online business in a big way. However, it will still likely be some time before we see any type of adaptation across the board.
Montgomery Peterson –
How will cryptocurrency (bitcoin) and blockchain change online business and marketing? – I think it will hit services like PayPal more than anything else. Right now, it is really annoying to have to constantly lose money on every online transaction because of fees associated with 3rd party payment processing services. As business is conducted more on the internet, I think the blockchain tech will revolutionize how quickly and without worry of fraud, we can get various web transactions between different parties started.
Rafi Chowdhury – Chowhury’s Digital
Cryptocurrency will be accepted as a payment form by more and more online business professionals. I have already noticed many professionals asking about using forms of crypto as a payment source. Several companies have already set up payment form in the space using companies such as BitPay to accept payment. Several online stores are already accepting bitcoin as payment form and hopefully we will see further adoption of ETH, XRP, and LTC.
James Norquay – Prosperity Media
Money is simply a means of storing, transferring and trading value. National currencies worked in the olden days, when “countries” and “nations” meant something – when national governments could control the flow of commerce. The Internet transcends those artificial borders. Online marketing transcends national command and control.
Jingoist nostalgia for the pre-technology era might drive some people to build walls along national borders. But that whole debate is mired in irrelevance. It’s just a distraction. While some people chant, “Build the wall!” the rest of Planet Earth has already moved on.
The Internet has just begun to free us from the constraints of geography. It’s not just about marketing. But blockchain/cryptocurrency will enable even small marketers to more easily conduct commerce across national borders.
Right now, there is pretty wild speculation in the Bitcoin markets. Some people will become ludicrously rich. But that means that some others will become poor. There are two sides to every currency fluctuation, whether it’s heading up or down. Frankly, I’m not ready to play that game.
But there will come a day when cryptocurrency will be as stable as currencies we are more familiar with – no more and no less. People will feel more secure with it. People will start to wonder why bother with their local currencies.
Online marketing will be easier when everyone is working with a universal currency. One price around the world. I am not sure that will revolutionize online marketing, because people are already doing business around the world through currency conversions, but it will make things easier.
The really big question is when will the planet adopt a transnational language?
David Leonhardt –
Of the three different talking points that were mentioned, I think ‘blockchain’ will continue to make the biggest changes and waves in the world of online business. With so many issues out there regarding security and online transactions, blockchain technology is making it possible for everyone to live in a much safer world — where everything is quickly turning digital. While all of this is going on, cryptocurrency will also finds it’s place as more people realize a global currency that is protected through blockchain technology is the best way to go.
Srish Agrawal –
Although cryptocurrency and blockchain technology go hand-in-hand, I think each will have its own unique set of implications that affect the world of online business.
Cryptocurrency itself I still feel is in its early ages, as it’s not really been adopted by mainstream consumers yet. A lot of people know that it exists due to the recent bubble, but it’s still a niche audience using it for actual purchasing. Unfortunately I can’t see Bitcoin becoming the mainstream cryptocurrency of choice anytime soon due to its increasing fees and slow transaction times, which only favor larger purchases or circumstances, where speed isn’t much of an issue.
Fortunately these technologies are being improved and developed upon, and advances in cryptocurrency have led to the release of new coins that solve many of the issues Bitcoin faces.
Ethereum for example is a much newer currency that improves upon Bitcoin’s shortcomings, with faster transaction times, smart contracts, and other improvements in features and functionality. Other coins have even more improvements. The fact that they aren’t necessarily mainstream yet isn’t a problem – the point is, we’re heading in a direction that is making the coins easier to adopt, easier to actually use, and we now have a new form of currency that has its own set of benefits over traditional currency. The future for cryptocurrency is very bright.
Blockchain itself has its own set of advantages that extend far beyond just finance. Decentralization is a wonderful thing in terms of security, trust, transparency, and privacy – all of which have become more of a concern in recent years. Everything from instant messaging apps to government voting systems could utilize blockchain technology to improve their systems, and it’s exciting to think about how it will transform a multitude of industries in the coming years – especially online business.
James McAllister –
Blockchain will change online marketing in many, many ways. Payment and currency is the obvious answer but blockchain technology will also help reduce fraud in ad platforms, cut down on fake news, improve our productivity, and more. I recently wrote a post detailing the companies using blockchain technology to change digital marketing .
Harris Schachter – OptimizePrime
Take a look back at the history of any new currency or method of payment, and you will find that many of them were hated in the beginning, or simply didn’t have the following they did today. A perfect example of this would be ATM machines where people could withdrawal payments from their bank accounts. Sure, there have been security and fraud scares over the years, but this is now commonplace. The same thing will happen with cryptocurrency, which will ultimately be powered through the safety and security of blockchain. The real development here will happen as new business adapt crypto as their recommended payment choice.
Zac Johnson of
I’m interested in the blockchain as a platform and in particular smart contracts. I believe that as this technology becomes more mainstream, we will see more engineers and business folk building new products on it. One simple example would be a secure escrow system for digital products. A new class of product means there is room for many supporting businesses to be built as well, like an “app store”, service providers, media sites, communities and more.
For marketing, the challenge will be communicating the value of blockchain technology without getting stuck in the weeds of “how it works.” A smart contract is arguably better than a real-world non-digital equivalent, but for most folks it’s a foreign concept; how do you bridge the gap and make this technology accessible? I believe that good, early-stage marketing will include clear copy and supporting media, which will come from understanding the audience and their needs.
Michael Alexis –
With all the volatility in the market as new users gain interest, it may be too soon to make an accurate prediction regarding how Bitcoin (and other cryptocurrencies) will change online business and marketing.
That said, it’s interesting to see how companies large and small alike are experimenting with accepting Bitcoin as a payment option and creating tools to accurately (and securely) do so. No matter what ends up happening, I think it’s safe to say that it’s not going anywhere for awhile and will continue to gain new fans and users throughout 2018. The real question is whether or not government entities will force their way in on it in the form of regulation!
Maddy Osman – The Blogsmith
I think that cryptocurrency will have a huge impact on online business. As a small business, we already see the benefits of accepting crypto and we actually have some clients that already pay us in cryptocurrency. It is a more transparent buying process, it saves us in fees and it protects us from fraudulent buyers ( buyers who submit disputes to PayPal/stripe after they’ve received the finished product). On the flip side of that, it does make income a little bit less secure since the value of cryptocurrencies is so volatile, unless your business decision is to convert it into “real” dollars right away. In general, I think blockchain technology is a brilliant innovation and will be broadly used over time.
Madeleine Taylor – Content Refined
More marketing services will cater to blockchain tech. SEO terms and Keywords will likely shift to integrating blockchain/crypto with our current search terms. Marketing payment options with crypto will be a part of how we convert more people to paying for our products, services, software.
Andrea Loubier –
This is a really important question. One way I think we MAY see a change is with decentralized websites. Checkout this tweet from a company called SHIFT who has their own currency. They actually made it happen! Blockchain based businesses are not going away, while some markets may be extremely volatile the true leaders will stand out and the shit coins will perish. Adding bitcoin (or crypto) as a payment system is also going to do a lot for the web as well. It will make payments for eCommerce much more safe, faster, and more efficient. We’re already seeing online retailers accept bitcoin as a payment option, who knows what other industries we are going to start seeing. The Marijuana industry is having a ton of problems with their finances with the fact that they can mostly only pay with cash. New coins such as THC and POT can help with this. In short, It’s not a question of “will” these currencies change online marketing, its only when, who and how.
Patrick Coombe – Elite Strategies
At the present moment, accepting payments in any form of cryptocurrency is a great marketing tactic since most retailers still prefer fiat. For instance, in 2013, by putting his book in the Bitcoin store and accepting this payment method before the book was officially released, James Altucher was able to rocket his book “Choose Yourself” to the top of the bestseller list and gain the attention of publications like the Wall Street Journal. The same book later became a Wall Street Journal bestseller.
This should demonstrate to marketers that by embracing something that others are regarding with a certain level of skepticism, you can profit greatly — and also aid in making this new technology mainstream and much more accessible to others. Blockchain is already changing people’s thoughts about commodities and currency exchanges. It’s bound to affect everything that it touches either a disruptive or progressive manner. It’s a good idea to keep an eye on it.
Cody McLain –
We are already seeing changes and we already accept paying via Bitcoin at Bowler Hat, the digital marketing agency I run in the UK . This has allowed us to further leverage the power of digital marketing and our worldwide reach by accepting payments more easily from around the globe. It’s fairly small scale at the moment and not many businesses are seemingly using bitcoin outside of key industries but instant, digital payments will inevitably become the norm. This breaks down barriers imposed by international banking and when combined with the international reach of SEO, PPC and digital marketing it will allow businesses to compete internationally far easier. Ultimately, cryptocurrency like Bitcoin is a payment system that dynamic businesses need moving forwards.
Marcus Miller –
Bitcoin gave light to blockchain encryption and gave a proof of concept for the advent of other cryptocurrencies. Now that people are more aware of what blockchain is, we’re starting to see how people can be creative with the technology. Financial industries can become more secure and faster. Identification tech can be more reliable, making it possible to do more with our ID online regarding official business.
Blockchain will allow databases to be more difficult to penetrate and manipulate. Document sharing via blockchain can provide multiple layers of authenticity and security, making it easier to share sensitive material. People can make money or crypto coins by using blockchain tech in everyday things, like Steemit and social media. Where you get coins to do what you’d normally do on any social media platform.
This opens up many new avenues with regard to business and marketing. A new era of services and availability is on the horizon, thanks to Bitcoin and how its made people aware of the power of blockchain tech.
The mainstream adaptation of blockchain is akin to the birth of the mainstream internet in the late 90’s. The changes to come from blockchain will be substantial.
Minuca Elena –
Take a look back at the history of any new currency or method of payment, and you will find that many of them were hated in the beginning, or simply didn’t have the following they did today. A perfect example of this would be ATM machines where people could withdrawal payments from their bank accounts. Sure, there have been security and fraud scares over the years, but this is now commonplace. The same thing will happen with cryptocurrency, which will ultimately be powered through the safety and security of blockchain. The real development here will happen as new business adapt crypto as their recommended payment choice.
Zac Johnson of
A crypto currency is basically a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange that uses cryptography to secure its transactions and bitcoins made all the cryptocurrency so famous.
I would not be surprised if all the online transactions go through the payment process through crypto currency in the near feature. Not only they are safe to shop around but also make it easy to transact.
Already there are so many cryptocurrencies that are being used to pay for online transactions. It will only increase with the help of digital marketing in the future.
Anil Agarwal –
I’m not an expert in blockchain or cryptocurrency, but it reminds me so much of the internet revolution and yes, even the .com bubble. While different cryptocurrencies will succeed or fail, the idea of using cryptocurrency to do business is here to stay. The ability for blockchain technology to complete payments based on work completed anywhere in the world is a natural outgrowth of the technology. My advice is to read, learn, and seek to understand this technology as soon as possible. Do not delude yourself into thinking this is a trend or a fad. Remember when the big questions were “do I need a website?” or “how do you use social media to market your business?” these seem laughable today. The same is true for cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. It’s not a question of if, but when and how.
Ivana Taylor –
Cryptocurrency are quite volatile at present compared with established currencies, such as USD or Euro. There is an element of speculation when a business accept payment in Cryptocurrency. There will come a time when Cryptocurrency is mature and as stable as any global currency. When that time comes, there will be a seismic shift of power from nation states to the online businesses, as currency will not be tied to a nation state, the ways USD is tied to the US or the Euro is tied to the European Union. This is potentially great news for online business, because businesses can accept payment in Cryptocurrency as oppose to a nation state powered currency.
Evgeniy Garkaviy – Charity E-cards
When I think about blockchain, I feel like this can be compared with a public ledger, which everyone can access while it also allows facilitates the share with all feature. People using the blockchain are required to update the ledger regularly. The transaction history can be obtained from ‘blocks’ – a chain-like configuration and this cannot be modified. The adoption of blockchain has been changing the phase of online business and marketing in a positive way. Since there is no centralized storage system; there is no fear or insecurity of data being hacked. And, there is no middleman and fees. Transactions are safeguarded providing greater cybersecurity. Blockchain is utilized by several businesses in many ways, one of this is bitcoin, and this is where cryptocurrencies enter into the big picture. Though cryptocurrency is not a physical coin or cash, these are stored inside the digital wallet. Bitcoin being the first kind of world’s first cryptocurrency facilitates fund transfer from peer to peer. The best part is that this is decentralized, encrypted, cost-effective and highly secure – one of the very reasons why digital currency has had an impact on digital marketing. This is how I believe blockchain and bitcoin could impact the online business and marketing
As we have discussed bitcoin is powered by blockchain technology and this technology can be used for digital negotiations between businesses by means of a public ledger.
Bitcoin allows to track both insights and data.
There is reduced or no exploitation risks in marketing with blockchain as it provides marketers with the facility to use anonymous datasets for marketing.
With blockchain, data security is guaranteed and there is no need to store personal payment info. This means that there is minimal threats of data theft, which helps in increasing consumer flow toward your company thereby increasing the conversion rates.
Cryptocurrencies are the latest of technologies as it was introduced very recently in the year 2016, which would make your brand appear to be innovative, bringing in more prospects.
Once you announce that your company is now adopting bitcoins, this improves your visibility and exposure among the crowd that is following the trend.
By monetizing online content, you are enhancing your chances to earn bitcoins.
Since there are no middlemen involved, there are no add-on costs, which saves onunwanted costs.
Vipin Nayar – Acodez
Cryptocurrency has disrupted tech like nothing else in the past few years and it isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Online payment institutions such as Paypal and Stripe are going to have to innovate and take notice here while embracing these changes so they don’t end up with a ton of competition on their hands. For the everyday entrepreneur and online marketer though there will be a lot of ways we can take advantage of the situation or be forced to “move out of the way” of the growing trend. There are tons of ways to take advantage of cryptocurrency in online business – let your customers pay you in bitcoin or ripple, maybe even pay your affiliates in cryptocurrency when they promote your products – we have yet to see the amazing conclusion to this new tech but you will be using it in one form or another soon. Do your research now to be able to use this new form of currency effectively in your own business.
Andy Sowards –
Bitcoin has been on an upward trend until recently, where it has experienced a dip in value. Despite this setback, bitcoin is still going strong, along with blockchain, which is the digital ledger where all bitcoin transactions are recorded. One of the issues of concern would be how safe and secure would this ledger be, as personal and sensitive information can get into the wrong hands.
Cryptocurrency and blockchain change online business and marketing in a way that
transactions would be faster and more transparent. Ideally, this would mean that trusted organizations would help maintain blockchain to ensure that all records would be kept securely, and encourage the steady growth of cryptocurrency. I also expect new strategies to be established within the industry, which is always a constant. However, some strategies will remain, such as Online Reputation Management . With the internet being one way to look at the quality of a business, reviews will continue to impact reputation and authority.
Sean Si – SEO Hacker
Blockchain and the public ledger have a lot of offer outside of just cryptocurrency. Smart contracts and auto-paying content access are two more areas we’re sure to see benefits too.
Smart contracts can be written to the public ledger and contain terms and conditions for the fulfillment of a contract. Only when those terms are met will the funds be released.
The terms can include things like delivery date or confirmation, turnaround time, supplied quantity, and nearly anything else required of a contract between two parties. Should one party or the other fail to meet their terms of the agreement, the funds would not be release. It removes the requirement for a paid intermediary and creates greater trust between all parties involved.
Automatic payment for content is another area where blockchain can solve a problem. Currently it’s a bit cumbersome to pay to access the content on certain sites (the Wall Street Journal for instance) and most aren’t excited about paying a large fee when they consume only a small faction of the content available.
With micro-payments and automation built on blockchain, website visitors can automatically send small payments to content providers in exchange for only the content they consume. Imagine paying a penny or two to read an article, rather than an expensive monthly subscription.
This can all be automated to allow both publishers and readers to seamlessly exchange the things they value (quality content and payment), thanks to blockchain.
Ben Brausen –
Despite some skeptics being critical of cryptocurrency as a whole, I believe blockchain technology is the future. While I wouldn’t be surprised if the plethora of cryptocurrencies do not last, some will rise to be the future of transactions behind a user interface similar to Venmo or PayPal. At the moment, Coinbase’s app is the closest solution to what the masses need for day-to-day use, compared to desktop exchanges like Bittrex or Binance, that are more suited for investors. Furthermore, most websites will accept cryptocurrency as payment method like they do with PayPal.
Ben Wynkoop –
I think it’s too early to say how blockchain and crypto currencies will change digital marketing in SEO because there is a lot of uncertainty and exchange rate acceptancy in different countries and governments. And for you as a business owner, it’s really hard to make a decision to start accepting bitcoins for your services because you don’t know how much it will cost the next day; the customer can pay you $1000 in bitcoins and the next day the exchange rate of the bitcoin rate could drop to $500. So, you are going to lose in this transaction. So many business owners and businesses are still using this as a type of investment rather than just currency to pay for services and products. So, this is why it’s too early to say how that will change the digital marketing in SER.
Mike Khorev – I Know SEO
Blockchain technology is a very different vertical vs. online marketing. The way I see it, it will create an impact on the means of transaction for businesses who are offering products and services online.
People haven’t widely accepted cryptocurrency as mode of payment but I have seen some businesses who offer digital marketing services which can be paid by crypto coins. See this one for example .
Even though it’s not too soon, it’s just a matter of time that people will come to recognize crypto coins (on a global scale) but the blockchain technology itself is new to us and it takes a lot of reading for people to comprehend this technology in general.
Fervil Von Tripoli –
People will be able to make microtransactions easily peer to peer. eCommerce will be significantly changed by blockchain as businesses will be able to store transactions on the publicly available ledger instead of investing in accounting. Same will happen with goods and inventory management. There will be a less scope for frauds and cheating because blockchain is not modifiable. We covered this topic in detail in our article, Cryptocurrencies and How they Work .
Rajesh Namase –
Now that you’ve had the opportunity to learn from some of the world’s top experts and entrepreneurs on how crypto, bitcoin, and blockchain will change the world of business, are you ready to adapt to these new technologies as well?… or will your business and brand potentially get wiped out by the competition?

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