Want To Take Your PPC Advertising To The Next Level?

Want To Take Your PPC Advertising To The Next Level?

The Buyer Journey: We start the day looking at how people search and the overall buying funnel. We will examine funnels for different types of companies. This information helps set the stage for the rest of the day as your keywords, ads, audiences, and attribution models all stem from how people search, research, and buy from your company.

Comprehensive Keyword Usage & Organization: The absolute center of every PPC campaign is keywords. We’ll start this section by correlating keywords to the buying funnel and examining the user intent. While keywords are the lifeblood of PPC, perfecting your match types usage while controlling your negative keywords can drastically increase your overall revenue.

For the advanced users, we will get into n-gram analysis and how to use n-gram based information. You will learn various organizational techniques based upon match types, positive, and negative keyword usage.

Everything You Need to Know About Creating & Testing Amazing Ads: There’s a reason it’s called AdWords, Bing Ads, and Ad Groups. The only part of your account that a searcher sees is your ads. We’ll cover how to:

It doesn’t matter if you have 10 ads or 10 million; we will go through how to test individual ad groups, and test at scale so you can pull customer insight data for your account.

Using Impression Share & Quality Score to Make Smart Decisions: Impression share shows you how often your ads are displayed and gives you wonderful share of voice data. Quality Score is a diagnostic tool that can help you understand improvements that your account needs.

In this section, we will demystify quality score, show you how to analyze and improve it; and then use quality score and impression share data to determine how to increase your account’s effectiveness.

Audience Targeting Strategies: Audience targeting should be part of your PPC strategies. We’ll examine display remarketing, remarketing list for search ads, customer match, demographic targeting, and other audience options.

We’ll show how to create advertising strategies for your account that combines audience targeting data and other AdWords features together to fine tune your customer acquisition strategy. We’ll relate these features back to the customer journey so you can fill your funnel with users based upon where your want to increase your funnel size.

Attribution Bidding & Evaluation: Lastly, we’ll dive into attribution. We’ll walk through various models and show how and when to use each one based upon the type of data you are trying to extract. You will learn how to bid (and even automate your bidding) based upon a target’s contribution to your conversion.

By the end of the session, you will know how to evaluate channels with attribution and determine where to remove and increase spend based upon your overall goals.

Networking Opportunities: Conferences are fantastic places to network and meet fellow practitioners of online marketing. Lunch will be provided so you can spend time getting to know your fellow attendees.

Open Q&A: You will have the opportunity to ask questions as we go throughout the agenda during the day; and we will end the day with an open Q&A session so you can make sure your specific questions are answered.

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