4 Steps to Give Your Business a Digital Presence Overhaul

4 Steps to Give Your Business a Digital Presence Overhaul

4 Steps to Give Your Business a Digital Presence Overhaul
You put a lot of work into establishing your online presence, now keep working to enhance it.
Image credit: skaman306 | Getty Images
March 13, 2017
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Spring is almost here, and now is the time to breathe a new life into your digital channels. What can you do to shed winter hibernation off your online presence?
1. Streamline your presence.
First things first, let’s get organized. If you don’t already have one, create a master list of passwords and channels your business is present on. Make sure that your company comes off similarly on all platforms. This can be ensured through consistent branding, brand voice, and storytelling. Did you mean to input all information on Facebook profile or change the Instagram bio? Do you have special landing pages for each platform, or do you let your visitors to wander around your site by sending them to the homepage?
While you’re at it, assess whether your strategy is truly strong, or if room for improvement exists. If you don’t have a clear strategy and editorial calendar for at least a month ahead -- and your efforts are sporadic at best -- now is the time to take control of it.
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2. Clear out the weeds.
This step is two-fold. First, Google your company and see what pops up. Claim any auto-generated pages on review sites, flag any impersonators and take care of old pages that might have been created a while ago.
Now, truly dive into your analytics. See what pages of your site perform better than the others. One way to do this is to look at time spent on each page and bounce rates. Edit the pages with highest bounce rates to clearly state your company’s purpose and offer, as well as, with any calls to action to prompt the next step. Make sure that your pages achieve what they should be achieving, and visitors are clear on what the next steps are.
Plus, see which social channels bring in the most business and which ones – the least. It’s time to get real and decide whether you want to spend your efforts on the networks that don’t perform well. Could it be the lack of efforts and erratic posting? Could it be mismatch between your audience and a channel? Whatever the reason, either create a strategy you will follow or delete the account. The latter might be better if you have accounts on all major networks.
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3. Freshen up the look.
One of the easiest ways to breathe a new life into your presence is to freshen up visuals. You wouldn’t want to change your logo and brand colors every spring, but this is a great opportunity to hire a photographer and take new photos of you and your business.  
You will use and reuse those images for so many things, from website to social media, to printed materials. That’s money well-spent.
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4. Get a new productivity tool.
Now that we streamlined and refreshed your digital presence, let’s talk about productivity. You still have lots of time this year to take your marketing to the next level. Oftentimes, you simply need the right tools to get the job done. The last thing you’ll need to examine is where your business has the most trouble online. Whether scheduling takes too much time, plugins don’t talk to each other, or there is another area that would surely benefit from automation, invest in the right tools.
Clearly, you can perform all of these steps as often as you want. It’s very beneficial to consistently monitor your online presence and improve upon it. If you haven’t done so in a while, consider this as your call to action.

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