Creating the Most Effective B2B Digital Marketing Mix

Creating the Most Effective B2B Digital Marketing Mix

When it comes to B2B digital marketing, everyone wants their efforts to be a success. But, the approach determines the results.

So, which digital marketing channels are right for your business?

Options aren’t limited: website, blog, SEO, content marketing, email marketing, white papers, eBooks, case studies, product literature, webinars, paid advertising, social media advertising, video, social media marketing. We could be here all day.

The overwhelming number of choices can leave you paralyzed. Or, you’ll be sweating bullets trying to unrealistically be a jack of all trades.

Both paths leave you stuck and unproductive.

The truth is: you’ll need a better approach to optimize your strategy.

Let us show you what we mean.

Instead of focusing on what you’re not doing, determine problems that exist in your sales funnel and how you can solve them with your website and digital marketing strategy. Take a close look at the leads in your funnel and how they’re converting. If conversion rates are low, tailor your digital marketing strategy to make improvements.

Are prospects entering your funnel but not advancing through it? If they’re “stuck”, chances are they’ll fall off and you’ll miss out on the opportunity all together.

An important factor in lead generation is your process qualifying your leads. Focus less on the volume and more on lead qualification.

Creating buyer personas can help you structure your website and digital marketing content to engage your target audience.

A common mistake B2B companies make is neglecting to nurture prospects once they’ve entered the sales funnel. Building trust before going in for the sale is not only optional, it’s essential.

Content marketing and email marketing are great ways to build long-term relationships with prospects and customers.

Nurturing unqualified leads is not worth your time. You want to spend your time and energy nurturing qualifiedleads that have a higher chance of becoming customers. Find out the percentage of your leads that are qualified and unqualified. If needed, revise this process to filter out unqualified leads and increase engagement opportunities with your target audience.

“48% of B2B marketers say lead generation is a challenge, 60% say it’s a top priority”

Lack of consensus and buy-in from the decision-making team can result in stalled sales opportunities. Address your prospects’ needs, concerns, and pain points on your website. What are the roadblocks hindering the buying decision?

Prospects want to know what is coming next and what they’re in for. Be transparent. Share this information with them and make it readily accessible on your website.

“Without resolving your dream client’s fears, the risk can keep them from moving forward.”

Prospects need to see value before making a decision. Without adequately demonstrating your company’s value, final decisions are prolonged and opportunities for distractions become a threat.  Compile common questions prospects have that are not being answered. What are their pain points? Is it an easy process for them to gather information on your products and services and relay it back to their team?

You don’t have to rely on blind trial and error. Consider what’s worked well for you in the past. What hasn’t? Look at what has worked well for others.

On average, B2B buyers will engage with a company’s website and digital marketing 7 times before they are ready to engage with sales. Consistency and strategic planning are key.

Develop a long-term plan to help you visualize each phase of the buyer’s journey. It will also ensure the marketing message you’re sharing on your website and across all digital platforms is consistent.

For example, early in the journey, you should create short-form content that is less promotional. But long-form content can be more impactful as they move through the funnel.

Compile reports to evaluate and track your marketing efforts. Diagnose what isn’t working to increase efficiencies and productivity. Focus on what is working.

Too many marketers don’t take time to aggregate the information they do have, to better understand conversion trends and triggers.

Reporting with a purpose helps you to determine if your new website and digital marketing approach is solving the problems in your funnel. If conversions on your website is an issue, you need to know how your new marketing approach has impacted lead volume. How has lead volume improved? How has lead quality improved?

If you aren’t seeing better results, take an even closer look at the challenges in your funnel and your tactics. Adjust accordingly.

We won’t t deny that all of this requires time, commitment, and energy. But the results will speak for themselves.

Don’t adopt the belief that some marketing is better than no marketing. This would hold true if the “some marketing” approach is effective. But carrying on with an unsuccessful digital marketing strategy is wasted energy. 

The most successful businesses have this one thing in common: their website and digital marketing plan is strategic and focused. Making the necessary changes prior to being forcedto make a change is always the better route.

If you’re ready to execute a strategic, focused, successful digital marketing strategy, we’d love to speak with you about how we can help you get started. Reach out today. 

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