Content marketing trends: 80% of consumers forget content within a few days | Netimperative - latest digital marketing news

Content marketing trends: 80% of consumers forget content within a few days | Netimperative - latest digital marketing news

A huge 80% of consumers forget the majority of information from branded content after only three days, and over half can’t recall a single detail, according to new research.

The study, from online presentation firm Prezi in partnership with cognitive neuroscientist Dr. Carmen Simon, aimed to understand how the human brain works and what marketers can do to create better content that will not only be memorable but also drive sales for brands. The report is based on a research conducted by CensusWide and concludes that brands need to focus on interactive conversations and memorable content to win consumers’ hearts. The key findings include:

• 80% of consumers forget the majority of information from branded content after only 3 days and the majority (over 50%) can’t recall a single detail • On average, only 7% of people will read more than 5 full articles in a day – when people flip through content like this, it’s far less likely to result in a reliable, long-term impression of the content, let alone the brand behind it • There are three common reasons that people typically forget content they’ve seen: o irrelevancy (55%); o a lack of motivation to remember it (36%); o and finally, the fact that there is simply too much content to retain (30%). • Videos top the list, and are considered most memorable to 37% of people, followed by written articles (28%), face-to-face presentations (21%), social media posts (19%), and memes (10%). • Almost half of consumers (48%) said they would be convinced to buy from a particular brand if they felt like they interacted and engaged in a conversation with them. • This conversational element is even more important with younger audiences, as 70 per cent of 16-24 year olds would be convinced to buy by this kind of interaction. The same can be said for 64% of Londoners. • Over three-quarters (77%) of respondents think that the use of interactive presentation software – that which supports conversational presenting – can help them to remember more information from a presentation they saw 2 days ago.

According to the Science of Attention report from presentation platform Prezi, 80 per cent of consumers forget the majority of information from branded content after only three days, and over half can’t recall a single detail. Findings reveal that the key to engaging a millennial audience is to have a conversation with them, whether online or in person, 70 per cent of 16-24 year olds agree that it would convince them to buy from a particular brand if they felt like they interacted and engaged in conversation with them.

While investment in content marketing is reaching record highs, much of this content is failing to achieve its ultimate goal: If consumers are failing to engage with or remember content, then it can’t influence their perceptions or purchasing behaviours.

Working with renowned cognitive neuroscientist Dr Carmen Simon, Prezi’s research found the three most common reasons consumers forget content are irrelevancy (55%), a lack of motivation to remember it (35.7%), and the fact that there is simply too much content to retain (30%). Surprisingly, distractions (18%) and stress (9%) were far less significant factors, meaning the primary reasons for forgetting relate to the content itself, rather than external factors.

Prezi also uncovered specific insights around presentation content, finding that 50 per cent of people switch off within the first twelve minutes of a one-hour, slide-based presentation. However, two-way, conversational presentations are far more effective, as more than three quarters of respondents (77%) felt interactive presentation software would help them remember more information. What’s more, almost half of consumers (48%) would be convinced to buy from a brand if they felt they interacted and engaged in conversation with them.

The research was unveiled to coincide with the launch of Prezi Next – an intuitive visual presentation platform, based on the best storytelling elements of Prezi’s original platform. This latest platform was designed specifically to allow individual users to more easily create conversational presentations, move freely between topics and adapt on the fly. It adds new tools to Prezi’s existing presentation benefits, including a new editor for designing presentations, a ‘Zoom Reveal’ function for focusing on any specific part of a presentation at the drop of a hat, and presentation analytics, to help users analyse engagement with their content and adapt.

“Marketers are wise to the fact that content can be an incredibly powerful influence on perceptions and purchasing decisions,” said Spencer Waldron, European regional director for Prezi. “But in order for content to influence or actually deliver that sale, it needs to both hold the audience’s attention and be memorable. From a presentation standpoint, taking a conversational approach and using storytelling, covers both of these elements, and this is precisely what we’ve designed Prezi Next to support.”

“This research found that 87 per cent of people feel that presenters who engage them in conversation will keep them focused and attentive,” commented Dr Carmen Simon. Conversations can impact memory because the frequent switching of stimulus between the speakers prevents the brain from habituation and offers novelty. The brain enjoys the buzz of novelty.”

Examining the types of content which are most memorable, Prezi found that: • Content which ‘tells the audience something new’ was the most memorable, helping 27 per cent of respondents to remember a brand, followed by content which teaches, inspires, or entertains (each 25%). • 49 per cent of consumers say that content which mentions something good that’s happened helps them to remember it long-term • Video is the best format, chosen by 37 per cent of respondents as memorable, followed by written articles (28%), and face-to-face presentations (21%).

The full Science of Attention report was developed in collaboration with renowned cognitive neuroscientist Dr Carmen Simon, and examines what these research findings mean for marketers. It includes actionable tips and advice on how marketers can create effective, memorable content, and can be found in an online Prezi presentation here:

The research coincides with the launch of Prezi Next – a new platform that was designed specifically to allow individual users to more easily create conversational presentations, move freely between topics and adapt on the fly.

Prezi’s ‘Science of Attention’ report contains findings from research conducted by Censuswide, with 2,035 respondents aged 16+ in the UK between 05.04.17 – 07.04.17. The survey was conducted from a random sample of UK adults. Censuswide abide by and employ members of the Market Research Society which is based on the ESOMAR principles.

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