The Future of the Logo Mark - Digital Dominion

The Future of the Logo Mark - Digital Dominion

Logo mark design and redesign have long been the foundation for every large and small brand to rise into the marketplace. The fundamental craft of logo design will always be important, however the “how” and “why” is fundamentally changing. We have seen the floundering of large brands that have gone through the rebranding process, including their logo mark and packaging for all the wrong reasons and with some unexpected fallout that they underestimated.

Brands such as Topicana, Gap, Pepsi, and NetFlix, are a just a few major brands that have committed some of the top big brand blunders. Perhaps they were not focused on the “why” and were more fixated on boosting sales, remaining fresh and relevant or executing some senior executives requirement for a rebrand. But today more than ever, the rebranding of existing company’s and/or the initial branding for new startups, needs to not only accommodate the digital environment and be flexible in that space, but place digital as the priority for messaging and branding.

So let’s begin with the foundation of what a successful rebrand entails, “A successful rebranding involves overhauling a company’s goals, message, and culture — not just changing a name or a logo.”  Making that determination can encompass a huge territory, if not held to the mast post by specific constraints. That is not to say that even the best logo mark revamps and transitions have not met with some opposition. For example: Starbucks in 2011 rolled out a rebranded logo mark for their 40th Anniversary that at first received some real negative feedback but it did not derail their incredible revenue growth, which recently lapsed at 16.45 billion.

The evolution of a logo mark has to move with the company, the marketplace and the products a brand delivers, period. The logo mark does not lead this change, the company and it’s messaging does, but it their logo compliments it. What is critical with a brand logo is how it integrates into the digital landscape, since it is here that it will be received to a greater extent. This digital execution must be factored into the overall design and strategy, or the inconsistency that results could prove disastrous.

The investment into a logo, whether you are a startup or small local business should be be taken on with deep commitment and understanding of the impact it has on the business. The costs associated with the overall strategy, development and roll out of a new logo mark must also take into account the products the company offers and any infrastructure that impacts the logo creation or redesign. Changing or creating a new logo can change EVERYTHING, but done well… “Yeah, it is worth it!”.

There are many reasons that companies embark on a logo mark or total rebrand. Some of those are:

So when you have determined that you want to progress with a logo mark creation or overall rebranding, you are faced with  important questions…

How do you best move forward with the logo mark process and what are the key criteria to take into consideration within the crucial and rapidly changing digital environment?

5 Keys to the Future of Your Logo Mark –

If these keys sound confusing or even completely obscure, you are not alone. There are numerous details, considerations and strategies that must work together in order to make a logo and brand positioning hit on all the important scenarios. Understanding and defining these five keys will likely make the difference between having a new logo and having one that is effective for your brand today and into the future.

Once you have the foundational points laid out, you will be able to move forward on your logo mark development. We have helped many clients through this often exhausting process, so we can assure you that the details matter. We have seen startup clients launch with immediate traction that hinged on strong branding work and small local clients redefined from their well-known micro niche to become more robust experts in their changing industries. Even companies going through a merger, while being intertwined with a big brand, can maintain their innovative startup appeal that got them there, if the rebranding is done with the proper focus and strategy.

The process of message strategy, brand positioning and logo creation has not changed that much over the years, but the execution that takes into account the new digital priority has completely morphed into a new animal that needs to be swift, clearly stated and strong in delivery. When designing your logo, be sure that you take into account every angle, perception and desires of your target audience, while considering the potential negative impact each component may have on your finished rebrand.

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