7 Ways to Increase eCommerce Sales with Facebook Ads | Simply Measured

7 Ways to Increase eCommerce Sales with Facebook Ads | Simply Measured

Social marketers use various marketing channels, but organic posts are not enough. We need:

With 2.01 billion monthly active Facebook users, Facebook Ads are a great way to increase eCommerce sales. There might be some failed attempts before you find what makes the perfect ad. However, once you get it right, it will be worth it.

Don’t worry if you have no idea how to approach advertising on Facebook. We won’t leave you in the dark. Here are 7 strategies that will help you increase traffic to your website and conversions.

Dynamic product ads allow you to promote any item from your product catalog to the right person and are a chance to return uncertain customers to your site. Use this ad type to present a single product or several products to customers, based on the products they recently viewed, purchased, or added to their cart.

Aaron Zakowski, SEO and founder ofZammo Digital, advises that, rather than creating product ads for each product in your catalog, you should use Dynamic Product Ad templates. Using the product details you upload on Facebook, the templates will extract product names, images, pricing, and any other information from your product catalog. If you have numerous products, this is a great tool for you.

To improve your conversion rates, you need to create a series of ads that convey your key message rather than sell.55% of peoplewould consider buying from a company if they enjoyed a story.

Use video: Video is a great way to convey your message. For the video to be effective, it needs to be short, concise, and fast-moving, and it needs to portray a message that is easy to understand.

Create urgency: When given the chance, customers will postpone a purchase with the hope of getting a better deal. 

Offer an incentive: It can be quite a challenge to capture a user’s attention with so many businesses advertising on Facebook. 

Facebook ads are a superb tool for converting customers into brand advocates. Most people will not take the time to open an email regarding referral programs. Take a different turn: let it appear in their Facebook news feed as a pop-up, with a vibrant picture and persuasive copy.

“Facebook ads can be used to persuade customers to encourage their friends to become your customers. You might want to consider giving your current customers discounts if they do a video product review. The video reviews work very well on your landing page and act as social proof, since they can see people talk about the product,” says Larry Hughson, digital marketing and SEO specialist atA+ Digital.

Facebook lets you reach related groups by creating Lookalike Audiences. This assists in finding new customers based on previous and existing customer habits. “Lookalike Audiences use Facebook’s algorithms to identify people with similar characteristics to your customers,” says Matt Orlic, the founder ofInspire Brands Group.

If somebody has bought one product and not the other, you need to target anybody who falls into these criteria with a campaign that is unique. Somebody that has bought from you many times trusts you and has a positive understanding of your brand. Custom Audiences allow you to create a custom list of people you can target with Facebook Ads because you already have their emails, phone numbers, and Facebook IDs. They are a great tool for strengthening existing customer relationships.

In other words, if a customer has bought the product “X” and “Y” from you, but not “Z,” you should build a custom campaign for the customers in “Z.” “You will get a good return if you spend on these kinds of ads,” says Brian Barr, a strategic content writer and marketer atSinglegrain.

Convert your custom audiences into Facebook fans: Using the Custom audience tool, upload your customer list and target them with relevant ads. Be sure to exclude existing fans.

Send promotions and relevant offers to top customers:Target your most loyal customers with discounts and offers as a reward for their loyalty. You can create a custom audience for this. Identify customers that are devoted to your brand. If they are happy with your brand or product, they tend to be generally proactive in recommending your product and sharing on social media. Give them the first chance to purchase new products and exclusive offers.

A study has shown that 69.23% of online shoppers, on average, abandon their carts and do not complete a purchase. 

Visitors who abandon their carts without completing a purchase only need a small prod to complete their order. Include an image of the product and ask if they forgot to buy the item. Add a link for easycompletion of the order. You can also add a discount as an incentive for first-time visitors.

You can use a tool such as Power Editorto run a campaign and retarget your visitors with coupons, dynamic ads, and general offers.

Target people who have been to your product page, added a product to their cart, and deserted it before checkout. In the ad, remind them of the product by including an image of the product, and make it easy for them to purchase it by linking to the item.

Few people will buy your product the first time they come to your website. Provided that they have visited your product page, you know they may have some interest in your product or service. Build a custom audience exclusively for those who have viewed your product page.

Build your custom audience of people who visited your product page, but did not complete a purchase.

Give this audience a custom ad with a discount.Make it a limited-time offer for great conversion rates.

Take into account the strategies above, and experiment with them one at a time to find out which combination works best for your business. With the world adapting to technology at a fast pace, this is not the time to be left behind. Grow your business sales with Facebook ads.

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