Press and Media | Mod Girl Marketing

Press and Media | Mod Girl Marketing

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Mod Girl Marketing Newsroom
Here you’ll find the latest Mod Girl and inbound marketing news regarding holistic SEO , web analytics , user experience and more.
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Mod Girl Founder & CEO, Mandy McEwen, Listed As Top 100 Digital Marketing Influencers on Twitter
Digital Marketing Influencers play a major role in creating awareness among people. There are thousands of brilliant digital marketing influencers round the globe who are good at what they do. In this article, we’ll give you a reason each on why you should follow these top 100 digital marketing influencers.
Read the full article on  Digital Ready
March 2017
Mod Girl Founder & CEO, Mandy McEwen, Shares Ways Big Data Can Help You Know Your Customers Better
“Your customers are what keep you in business, so understanding them is key,” said Mandy McEwen, owner of Mod Girl Marketing. “Key marketing data, such as what day of the week has the highest email open rates, what price point is driving sales and other trends and patterns can help businesses tailor their marketing campaigns to be more successful.”
Read the full article on  NCR Silver
March 2017
Mod Girl Founder & CEO, Mandy McEwen, Shares Tips On the Best Channels to Use to Attract New Business.
“With the rise of social chatter, smart businesses are winning big with real-time marketing thanks to social listening tools like BuzzSumo, Mention and Sprout Social,” says Mandy McEwen, founder and CEO, Mod Girl Marketing. “These tools give businesses the ability to see who is talking about them and what is being said, allowing them to learn about their customers and what they’re looking for.
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February 2017
Mod Girl Founder & CEO, Mandy McEwen, Shares the Best Three Growth Hacking Examples Seen in 2016
“Offering 3 payments instead of 1.
Facebook traffic sent 2 landing pages for a product that sold for $99. The original price was $199 so of course that $199 was slashed out and on sale for $99. Option 1 – Buy for $99. Option 2 – 3 payments of $33.
Option 2 with 3 payments had a 75.6% increase in sales vs the one payment of $99.”
Read the full article on  Reply
February 2017
Mod Girl Founder & CEO, Mandy McEwen, Discusses Social Media Trends of 2017
“2017 is the year of real-time content. Social media is evolving. What was previously an avenue to throw up a few text posts and share a few article is now becoming highly engaging and very video-driven. Not JUST videos, but live videos. Brands who have embraced this live craze by utilizing Facebook live, Snapchat, Periscope, Youtube, and other real-time channels, experienced amazing results. We are seeing big brands invest a lot of resources into developing a solid real-time video strategy.”
Read the full article on  iDigic
February 2017
Mod Girl Founder & CEO, Mandy McEwen, Discusses How to Grow Your Twitter Following and Post Better Tweets
“Keep it visual: Mandy McEwen, CEO and founder of Mod Girl Marketing, said to always use an image or video in your tweets. “Infographics, images, quotes and statistics tend to do well. If you can apply branded graphics to the image, even better. Images are simply more attractive than plain text and have been shown to lead to higher engagement.”
Read the full article on  NCR Silver
January 2017
Mod Girl Founder & CEO, Mandy McEwen, Discusses How Marketing on LinkedIn Differs from Marketing on Other Social Platforms
“The LinkedIn platform has a reputation as a place for professionals — more so than the other social networking sites — so we tailor our marketing strategy to that particular audience. Rather than the more casual, fun tone we use on Facebook and Twitter, we keep things straightforward and professional on LinkedIn. We share helpful resources that will further people’s knowledge, skills, and career because people are on LinkedIn to grow professionally. For example, we recently shared a guide on how to build a marketing dream team as well as a blog post on 8 effective LinkedIn strategies for B2B marketing.
In addition to being a place where professionals hang out – more so than other social networking sites – LinkedIn also has a number of features that other social media platforms lack. Features that enable you to expand your reach and connect with people directly.
Read the full article on  DrumUp
January 2017
Mod Girl Founder & CEO, Mandy McEwen, Shares SEO Tips to Dominate in 2017
Google has told the SEO community time and time again that social media signals have no impact on search rankings that that social is not a direct ranking signal.
Well, Google has also been proven wrong, time and time again. From my own personal success of utilizing social signals to increase rankings, my company’s success with our clientele, my colleague’s success, and other SEO marketers I collaborate with – all of us have seen that Google is flat-out lying to us when it comes to social signals impacting rankings.
Read the full article on  SEMrush
January 2017
Mod Girl Founder & CEO, Mandy McEwen, Shares Social Media Marketing Tips for Medical Practices
Social media will continue playing a very important factor in how medical practices market their businesses in 2017. Choose your social network wisely and make sure to dedicate time and resources to marketing the RIGHT way on social. If you really want to stand out and build a following quickly, hop on the live streaming craze.
Snapchat is hot right now and practices who are taking advantage of this platform are winning big time. Having an active presence on Snapchat is a great way to stand out from the fierce competition and build a following of brand advocates. In turn, this will drive new patients to your practice.
Read the full article on  InboundMD
December 2016
Mod Girl Founder & CEO, Mandy McEwen, Discusses Marketing Your Business
Mandy McEwen is a digital marketing consultant and Founder of Mod Girl Marketing. Mod Girl is a full-service inbound marketing firm that helps forward-thinking companies achieve strong return on investment (ROI) through a winning combination of content marketing, SEO, and social media strategy. Mandy has been listed as a top marketing influencer across dozens of sites and has been featured in various blogs such as The Huffington Post. Mandy’s newest eBook, The Modern CMO’s Handbook, guides marketers on how to exceed their ROI goals using the latest inbound marketing strategies and tools.
Read the full article on  Dun & Bradstreet
December 2016
Mod Girl Founder & CEO, Mandy McEwen, Shares Favorite Social Media Marketing Tool
We use Mention to receive automatic alerts whenever anyone talks about our brand. We have keywords set up for “Mod Girl” and “Mod Girl Marketing” and we absolutely leverage the notifications by mention as we instantly can view the mention and share across social!
Read the full article on  Mention
December 2016
Mod Girl Founder & CEO, Mandy McEwen, Reveals B2B Marketing Trends to Leverage in 2017
Invest more in personalized, social advertising – We aren’t just talking about throwing up a few FB ads and seeing what happens. Knowing the EXACT pain pints of your target audience and providing massive value up-front, and at no-cost, will help build immediate trust AND position you as the answer to their problems. Segment these campaigns based on each persona of yours and speak to their unique needs. Provide solutions and start them on the sales funnel.
Read the full article on  SnapApp
December 2016
Mod Girl Founder & CEO, Mandy McEwen, Discusses the Future of Marketing
Using data for automated communication triggers – The best marketers are using digital marketing data solutions to flag them when customers are actively downloading premium content on their sites or browsing trial signup pages. This study revealed that the highest-performing marketing teams were 9.7x more likely to actively map the customer journey, compared to the under-performers. Mapping out the customer journey from interest to full engagement is an essential part of any functional marketing strategy. With today’s tools, it’s easier than ever.
Read the full article on  Business 2 Community
December 2016
Mod Girl Founder & CEO, Mandy McEwen, Shares Content Marketing Predictions for 2017
2017 is the year of real-time content. Brands who embraced this live craze in 2016 experienced amazing results and plan to ramp up their live efforts in 2017. It’s a fact, that brands who personally connect with their audience on a real level experience growth on multiple levels. We expect to see live video become even more popular in 2017 and becoming a ‘necessity’ in the coming years. The best marketers use real-time content to increase their mobile and social media email opt-ins to keep building their contact lists across channels.
Read the full article on  Business 2 Community
December 2016
Mod Girl Founder, Mandy McEwen, Listed As One of Search Engine Journal’s 12 Highly-Successful SEO Practitioners
Mandy is the founder of Mod Girl Marketing, a full-service inbound marketing firm. She and her team help forward-thinking companies increase their revenues and modernize their brands online. A part of the digital marketing scene for almost a decade, her knowledge and experience is diverse. She’s known for helping her clients generate results and achieve maximum ROIs.
Read the full article on  Search Engine Journal
November 2016
Mod Girl Founder, Mandy McEwen, Discusses Holistic SEO, Lead Generation Tactics and More in an Interview with School for Startups Radio
As the Founder of Mod Girl Marketing, a full-service inbound marketing firm, Mandy McEwen helps forward-thinking companies increase revenues and modernize their brands online. During an interview with School for Startups, she discusses SEO best practices and quick lead generation strategies. 
Listen to the podcast on School for Startups Radio
November 2016
Mod Girl CEO, Mandy McEwen, Shares Social Media Marketing Advice
If you don’t have an active social media presence, you are missing out on tons of potential revenue. You are also giving your competitors an advantage and not showing the world how amazing your company is. Thus, it will be hard for your company to ever reach its full potential.
Read the full article on Sendible
August 2016
Mod Girl Founder, Mandy McEwen, Discusses Digital Marketing and Branded Domain Strategies
Mandy McEwen, digital marketing consultant and founder of Mod Girl Marketing discusses the challenges and rewards of marketing in the digital age and her use of a complementary domain strategy in this week’s My Side of the Dot™.
Read the full article on Rightside
July 2016
Mod Girl CEO, Mandy McEwen, Discusses Complementary Domains
Modern marketing is not about “what’s trending”; it’s about building a memorable brand and connecting with an audience. Branded Top Level Domains (TLDs) that are relevant to service offerings and community building are just one of the many modern marketing strategies we deploy for our growing brand and recommend to our clients for their growing brands.
Read the full article on TLDnic
July 2016
Mod Girl CEO, Mandy McEwen, Reveals Her Best Content Promotion Technique
My greatest source of traffic to promote my content is Twitter. It’s an awesome way to get maximum eyeballs on your content, when done right. For starters, it’s always good to add “click to tweet” boxes within your blog posts . As far as getting maximum exposure on Twitter, some research is required. Use popular hashtags (1 or 2 max) which you can find by using Twitter itself or free tools like or Switch up the tweet content and try using tweets that have “#Fact: ” in the beginning then list an interesting fact from your blog post.
Read the full article on Valcon Media
May 2016
Mod Girl Founder, Mandy McEwen, Published In The Binman’s Guide to Marketing Book
Author Oisin Browne interviewed Mod Girl founder Mandy McEwen for The Binman’s Guide to Marketing. McEwen provides sound advice insight on mastering your marketing skills.
February 2016
Mod Girl Founder, Mandy McEwen, Listed As Top 100 Most Followed SEO Experts On Twitter For 2016
I maintain a Twitter list of SEO experts and recently wondered who the most followed SEO pros were on that list. Using Tweepi to build the list, Electoral to export it, and Google Sheets to do some simple sorting and editing, I produced the list below of the top 100 most followed SEO experts
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Mod Girl Founder, Mandy McEwen, Listed As Top Online Marketer on Twitter
I included content marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, inbound marketing, email marketing, acquisition marketing, B2B marketing, network marketing, and search engine marketing. I think it’s a pretty useful list.
Read the full article on Biznology
December 2015
5 Smart Strategies to Make Your Content Go Viral
To make your content go viral , make sure you produce valuable content (that has been discussed above) for your target audience which really helps them in growing their business and solving their problems.
Read the full article on
December 2015
7 Brilliant Examples of Brands Driving Long-Tail Organic Traffic
Data from Altimeter found that “70% of marketers lack a consistent content strategy.”
And that’s one of the biggest reasons why B2B content marketing fails . Without a strategy, no matter how much effort and time you put into your business, you’ll continue to struggle.
Read the full article on
December 2015
Mod Girl Founder, Mandy McEwen, Published In The Productivity Book
Author Michael Brecht interviewed Mod Girl founder Mandy McEwen for The Productivity Book. McEwen provides valuable insight on how to overcome productivity hurdles faced on a daily basis. So, you can work smarter, and not harder.
Learn More About  The Productivity Book
November 2015
Mod Girl Gives Insight on Best Headline Ever Used
What was the best headline you ever used?
Last year, we published a post titled, “How Home Depot’s Marketing Strategy Is Paying Off” on our Mod Girl Marketing blog. The piece not only picked up 250 shares on social media, but it also became one of our top 10 most-viewed blog posts AND one of the top 10 landing pages for our website.
Read the full article on Buzzsumo
Mod Girl Named One of the Top 10 Digital Marketing Agencies in San Diego
I am actually a long term subscriber to their email list and they produce great content on a weekly basis. They are trying to help as many people as possible with their blog and dish out well sectioned/organized articles that include great checklists, social sharing options, etc. The articles are using all the right techniques and I know I could trust these guys… I mean gals… to write content for my blog (won’t ya?). They have a solid lead magnet offer designed to get the most out of each website visitor.
Read the full article on  SplashOPM
August 2015
Mod Girl Founder, Mandy McEwen, Listed As Top Content Marketing Kings and Queens You Have to Follow
Mandy McEwen – @MandyModGirl , Founder & President of @ModGirlMktg , Content Marketing & SEO consultant, #8ways Author/Blogger
Want to know more?
Read the full article on Heyo Blog
Mandy McEwen and Mod Girl Team Named As One of Line25’s Creative Female Web Designers You Should Know About
Mandy McEwen and the Mod Girl Team
Name: Mandy McEwen
A digital marketing expert, Mandy McEwen curates creative, entrepreneurial solutions to marketing problems. Liven up your social media presence and get out of your comfort zone by using McEwen’s strategies.
Read the full article on  eVisit
May 2015
Mandy McEwen Shares Go-To Digital Marketing Blog
Are you focused on your social media campaigns on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram? One of the best resources online for social media marketers is Social Media Examiner, which supplies list after list of tips for best practices on these sites. “Social Media Examiner is my go-to digital marketing blog,” says Mandy McEwen of Mod Girl Marketing. “This industry requires constant education and keeping up with all the latest trends and algorithm changes is crucial. I find SM Examiner to be extremely beneficial in my ongoing education and it never fails to provide amazing content.”
Read the full article on  Business 2 Community
September 2014
Mod Girl Founder and CEO Gives Mobile Strategy Tips
Consumers are looking for you. On their phones and tablets. Now.
Among other important features, says Mandy McEwen, founder and CEO of Mod Girl Marketing, make sure that when your information is viewed, the viewer is able to call your company with the click of a button. That one, I know, is a deal-breaker for me. In the short time I have zipped around California, using my smartphone, I have searched for umpteen restaurants associated with the word “organic,” then called to see what percentage of their food was certified as such. If a search came up without a call button, that restaurant did not get my business.
Read the full article on  HuffPost Business
February 2014
Mod Girl Discusses the Important Role Blogging Plays in Business Development
I love social media. I relate to it as a giant party or never-ending conference, in which I get to meet countless awesome people in my areas if interest. Through Twitter, I recently became acquainted with Mandy McEwan, the founder and CEO of Mod Girl Marketing. I love the fresh, smart, fun vibe of her company — which offers everything from search engine optimization (SEO) to local marketing services to mobile website design.
Read the full article on  HuffPost Business
December 2013
Leadpages Top 10 Favorite LeadBoxes
What Stands Out: As you watch the GIF above, you’ll see that Mandy McEwen uses the same LeadBox™ three different times on her blog pages. There’s a link at the top of the page, a link in the middle and a link toward the bottom. Each one of these links has a different image, which makes each stand out. If the first one or two don’t catch your eye, the third one probably will. (By the way, we do the same thing on our blog. We’re even doing it in this post.) Mandy also makes great use of one of our animated progress bars.
Read the full article on  Leadpages

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