Artificial Intelligence today: How it will change your future

Artificial Intelligence today: How it will change your future

In our last post, we spoke about the wayArtificial Intelligence in digital marketingis changing the way marketers work and helping them create more personalized customer experiences. Digital marketing is just one of the many areas that AI is disrupting today.

We decided to create a series to talk about how AI is making changes across industries that will change our lives in the coming years. How did we get here? Why does AI matter so much at this point in time? What are the industries to watch out for? We’ll be answering these questions and a lot more in this series on Artificial Intelligence today and how it will change your future.

Where did AI come from? Popular culture and sci fi have given us glimpses of what the future of AI will be like (remember Data fromStar Trek: The Next Generation?) There’s a reason he was called data, because data is where it all began.

Data has been an essential part of evolution ever since humans created number systems. The passing down of knowledge from generation to generation orally was a transmission of data. Palm leaves and paper provided ways to store and pass this data on in a way that could be preserved and transported easily.

Finally, computers gave us a way to store and retrieve more data than we could have ever imagined, which brings us to where we are today. The evolution of the internet and storage has given users, websites and apps large chunks of data that can be accessed near instantly. So what do we do with all this data? This is where analytics comes in.

With analytics, we can now examine large chunks of data to find patterns, solve problems, and extract meaning. Big data analytics has solved problems across industries fromfleet tracking optimizationtoimproving food chain efficiencyand is now a$46 billion dollarindustry. Using analytics to create meaning from big data is an essential step towards making positive interventions across industries. These meanings can be converted into articles and videos to educate the world around us, to increase revenue, to fine-tune processes and more.Yet, as the data continues to increase and we find more efficient ways of storing and computing it everyday, we still don’t have the resources to analyze, find meaning and act on it. Data scientists and analysts play an essential role in this process, but they at the end of the day, they are still human.

The solution? We create something that isn’t human to extract the meaning we need and act on it more efficiently. Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial intelligence is a process by which humans can make machines intelligent enoughto function appropriately with foresight in its environment. (Asimov’slaws of robotics, anyone?) This means we can train and direct AI networks to find us the results we are looking for by analyzing large volumes of data, while we do other – hopefully – awesome things like solving world hunger and impending environmental catastrophes. Unless predictive analytics will handle that too.

Why should it matter to me?

Artificial intelligence today is something you can’t avoid. It is making changes in the way search engines answer the questions we ask, the way a brand understands when we like or hate their emails – and that is just the beginning. Across industries, AI interventions will impact and change the status quo that will affect the devices we use, the way we interact with each other, the way we run our errands, shop online, our jobs, our career paths, our retirement funds and more. Al is growing at a crucial time – where humans are seeing devastating climate change, social crises and everything else that sucks with the world, and gives us a way to make faster, more efficient changes to improve the world we live in.

In this series, we’ll go into how the applications of artificial intelligence can disrupt your Personal and Business efficiency, Marketing, Customer communication, Software Development Cycle, Ecommerce Platform, Publishingand a whole lot more. Stay tuned!

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