SearchCap: Google Gmail ads, DuckDuckGp Apple Maps & Amazon ads - Search Engine Land

SearchCap: Google Gmail ads, DuckDuckGp Apple Maps & Amazon ads - Search Engine Land

Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web.

Advertisers can opt-into automated bidding and tailor bids for the search ads by page placement.

The company had been using OpenStreetMap.

In comparison with other ad placements, Gmail ads are less competitive and can help build brand awareness from within a potential customer’s inbox.

An account-based marketing (ABM) strategy recognizes that B2B purchase decisions are often made by a group of individuals within the company. ABM tools automate many of the data and workflow processes that enable this approach. This 60-page guide from MarTech Today brings together everything you need to know about account-based marketing tools and implementing this software […]

Holiday shoppers spent record-breaking $126 billion online in 2018 Jan 15, 2019 by Robin Kurzer Mobile drove more than half of holiday visits to retailer sites, delivered one-third of the revenue.

Everything is e-commerce: Big takeaways from CES Jan 15, 2019 by John Cassillo Attracting positive consumer attention, with consent-driven data, puts creative at the forefront with only a razor-thin margin for error.

Amazon enables dynamic bidding, bid adjustments for Sponsored Products ads Jan 15, 2019 by Ginny Marvin Advertisers can opt-into automated bidding and tailor bids for the search ads by page placement.

Join your community at MarTech Jan 15, 2019 by Scott Brinker Customer expectations are rising. Management is demanding results. And the technologies to satisfy them both are evolving faster than most organizations can implement. Sound familiar? Then we suggest you attend The MarTech® Conference, April 3-5 in San Jose. Here’s why. We feel your pain… Need to demonstrate ROI? Break down the silos? Get management buy-in? […]

RE/MAX rolls out new DIY video capability for agents Jan 15, 2019 by Robin Kurzer The real estate company’s self-serve platform is the latest tool making it easy for marketers to produce video at scale.

6 tactics for PPC marketers to save time, reduce stress and improve performance Jan 15, 2019 by Amy Bishop Here’s a checklist to make sure you’re as organized as possible to start this year off on the right foot.

Salesforce launches Einstein Visual Search for retailer product discovery Jan 14, 2019 by Barry Levine This capability is one of several enhancements announced Monday that lets marketers provide more intelligent product choices.

Gartner: What the post-disruptive marketing landscape will look like Jan 14, 2019 by Barry Levine The research firm predicts the fall of CX as top priority, the advantages of user-controlled data, the automated generation of content at scale and a cutback in marketing analytics.

WordPress, Google team on new CMS and monetization for local news publishers Jan 14, 2019 by Greg Sterling The platform will offer “out-of-the-box integrations” with various ad and subscription systems, including Google’s.

Protect your brand in search Jan 14, 2019 by Digital Marketing Depot 98% of your competition is brand bidding. Advertisers bid on each others brand and trademarked terms to steal website traffic. This commonplace practice goes largely unchecked across major search verticals and is extremely difficult to monitor at scale. Read this report from Adthena to take the first step towards safeguarding your brand equity. Answered in […]

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