Bootstrap Business Blog Blitz Quick Questions Vol 5

Bootstrap Business Blog Blitz Quick Questions Vol 5

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Bootstrap Business Blog Blitz Quick Questions Vol 5
Keep your questions on social media marketing, entrepreneurship, SEO, and digital marketing coming and I'll keep answering them! Enjoy this latest installment of my Bootstrap Business Blog Blitz Quick Questions:
How do I hide or remove the Contact button Instagram?
As of now it’s required to have a contact button on a business Instagram profile, so if you really want to remove it you’ll just need to revert back to a personal account. You won’t get the advanced analytics but that might not be a big deal to you. You can also run Instagram ads via your Facebook page, which won’t require you to have an Instagram business profile.
Is tweeting at or replying to lots of people on Twitter considered spam?
The key words you used are “same / similar messages” which basically translates to repetitive spam. If you were sending out unique tweets customized to each recipient and in an appropriate manner, there would be nothing essentially wrong with doing that. Some accounts won’t notice your tweeting patterns, some won’t care, but some will definitely be a little annoyed and mute or unfollow you. They might even flag you for spam if they see it enough. Overall you’ll lose some followers and get muted by others. 
I’ve discussed a similar topic with a lot of people because some major companies use Twitter almost solely for customer service purposes. That is great for your customer service department and their followers with issues, but it can have an adverse effect on a lot of their followers. They will see a lot of similar repetitive (although helpful) tweets with little or no valuable content to them. These accounts are helping customers but losing others in the process because of their repetitive tweets that don’t apply to the majority of their followers. 
Why do I get the impression that the majority of Twitter accounts are fake?
Although 90% is definitely an exaggeration, you’re on the right track. There are tens of millions of fake accounts on Twitter. To be more exact, it’s estimated that around 50 Million are fake. Huge networks of fake bots in the hundreds of thousands have been discovered, all linked to a small number of individuals. 
I’ve been a big Twitter user since 2009 for all of my businesses, products, clients, and employers… so I’ve seen it all. It’s not pretty, but I don’t let it phase me. It’s just something you have to deal with if you’re in business. If you’re just a personal user, keep you followers and followed accounts very small and focused to avoid the garbage. But if your network is already a little out of control you can make some big improvements with a few blocks here and there, muting accounts, and focusing which notifications you want to receive. 
It’s not just Twitter though. There are an estimated 85 million fake Facebook accounts and around 30–40 million fake Instagram accounts. LinkedIn has tens of millions of fake accounts (and they go after your email addresses). I’ve seen plenty on Pinterest and Google+ as well. Platforms have a lot more work to do to combat this major problem destroying user experience.
What are you most likely doing right now if you're not on social media and there's no internet or WiFi?
That’s an excellent question. Often times I read or write when I’m not online or on social media. As a digital marketing manager and former online entrepreneur, I make my living online so it’s pretty essential. Without internet I will usually read business strategy books or write articles or eBooks that I can publish later when I’m back online. If I’m not doing then I’m often brainstorming or planning. But taking care of your health, exercising, sleeping, getting outside, or being with actual people are all good things too.
My article went viral on Twitter but I'm not getting the traffic I expected. How is this possible?
Unfortunately the virality you are experiencing on your Twitter post could be due to a large number of fake bot accounts Favoriting, ReTweeting, and/or commenting on your tweet. I see if quite often, especially when it is about a trending topic or of a political nature. Or the link to your article could be lost in the shuffle if you’re using the maximum amount of text and hashtags . I’ve also had tweets reach tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people but with much less website traffic generated than I expected. I think they were more interested in the text I wrote for the tweet, or the image I included, as opposed to the actual article I linked to.
How do I make a career switch to digital marketing?
Like anything else, it’s all about giving it 110% and becoming the best at your craft. Digital marketing is a popular and growing field with several areas of expertise including social media management, community management, email marketing, SEO, Google AdWords, eCommerce, UX, content creation, and more. It’s important to have at least a basic understanding of each component of digital marketing. Quora, LinkedIn, Medium, and plenty of free blogs (Moz, HubSpot, Adage, and Neil Patel just to name a few) are excellent resources. 
Industry certifications are also helpful to teach you the ropes and give you some concrete credentials that employees will want to see. I have free guides to some of the best affordable and free certifications that I’ve completed: 

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