google search 5

Google Mobile-Friendly Algorithm Update- The Time is Now
google searchgoogle updatemobile devicesmobile-friendlyseoweb pages

Google Mobile-Friendly Algorithm Update- The Time is Now

The time has come for the Google mobile friendly algorithm update. We have warned our clients with hopes they would be prepared. Their pages are mobile-friendly. SEO is in check. All mobile devices will operate efficiently. There will be no...

  • April 21, 2015
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  • by Chris Jenkin
Understanding Google’s Three Listing Snack Pack
google searchlocal seo

Understanding Google’s Three Listing Snack Pack

While many of us were trying to make sense of Google’s recently announced restructuring, Google once again shook up the world of search. Google scaled back the amount of real estate it provides for featured search results by rolling out...

  • August 24, 2015
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  • by Chris Jenkin
7 Reasons Why Your Website Needs to Be Mobile Friendly Now
business rankdigital marketingdigital marketing agency dallasgoogle mobile searchgoogle searchgotcha mobile solutionsmobile devicesmobile shopperswebsite

7 Reasons Why Your Website Needs to Be Mobile Friendly Now

The internet has largely contributed to how we do things. And because of this, its usage has also vastly changed over time. The technologies used a few years ago may no longer be as useful as they are today. Moreover,...

  • February 7, 2016
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  • by Chris Jenkin
Red Flag Tips for Avoiding Shady SEO Providers
blogdallas digital marketing agencydallas local seodallas seodigital marketingGoogle analyticsgoogle searchgotcha mobile solutionsgotchamobiseo providerswebsite content

Red Flag Tips for Avoiding Shady SEO Providers

There’s shady people all over the world. That doesn’t mean you necessarily want to do business with them. While it’s normal for businesses to operate with the bottom dollar in mind, some will go to great extents to protect themselves...

  • March 29, 2016
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  • by Chris Jenkin
5 Things That Will Boost Your Local SEO
digital marketinggoogle searchgotcha mobile solutionsinternal linkingkeywordslinkslocal searchlocal seomobile websiteresponsive websiteseosocial media

5 Things That Will Boost Your Local SEO

Having your website perform well in the results page of a search can play a vital role on the success of your business. This is why there are a number of companies that invest a lot of money on SEO...

  • July 29, 2016
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  • by Chris Jenkin