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7 Reasons Why Your Website Needs to Be Mobile Friendly Now
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7 Reasons Why Your Website Needs to Be Mobile Friendly Now

The internet has largely contributed to how we do things. And because of this, its usage has also vastly changed over time. The technologies used a few years ago may no longer be as useful as they are today. Moreover,...

  • February 7, 2016
  • .
  • by Chris Jenkin
7 Habits that Social Media Marketers Should Break
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7 Habits that Social Media Marketers Should Break

The following 7 habits that social media marketers should break have deemed themselves ineffective. Whether you’re the voice behind the brand or the owner of a brand new startup, the way you approach and interact with your social media audience...

  • March 23, 2016
  • .
  • by Chris Jenkin